Topic outline

  • General


    Welcome to the Radiation Detector (SPA6309) Home Page


    At the end of this module students will be able to

    1. Know the physical principles of the interaction of particles with matter and use them to understand the operating principles of a range of current radiation sensors.

    2. Use data and apply appropriate models to design sensors to measure parameters such as particle energy, momentum, charge, spatial location, time-of-arrival in a particle physics experiment context.

    3. Understand the origin of noise in radiation sensor systems and be able to estimate the effect of noise on ultimate performance.

    4. Explain, through the use of clear and concise scientific writing, and justify, with reference to published scientific literature, the design choices underlying key detector elements in a given particle physics experiment.

  • Syllabus

    Outline Syllabus

    1. Introduction
    2. Overview of fundamental particles and their interactions
    3. Review of statistics as related to detector systems
    4. Gaseous detectors
    5. Scintillator based detectors
    6. Ionization detectors (excluding gas)
    7. Photodetectors
    8. Calorimeters
    9. Tracking detectors
    10. Other detector principles (Cerenkov, bolometer etc.)
    11. Examples of detectors

    Key textbooks: The Mile End Campus library has many relevant text books (look around classmark QC 793).

    Electronic resources:

  • Lecture Notes 2019-2020 session

  • Assessments

  • Forums

    • This forum is for you to ask questions about any aspect of the lectures that I have (or will) be delivering.

    • This forum is for you to ask me questions that arise from your work on the final assessment (Z boson reconstructed from its decay to leptons in one of the four LEP experiments).

  • Late Summer Resit Submission

    • LSR Extension Final Report Submission - Friday 24th July, 12PM (MIDDAY) Assignment
      Not available unless: You belong to LSR
    • LSR Resit Final Report Submission - Friday 28th August, 12PM (MIDDAY) Assignment
    • This document tells you what the resit assignment is and which experiment and Z0 boson decay channel I have allocated to you. It was updated on 3 August to include the names of additional students. Nothing else has changed.

  • SPA6309 Resit Students