Topic outline

  • General

    • Various resources that the SSO team come across that we think may be helpful to students in supporting their well-being.
    • Please do not contact Mason Newbury please contact instead.
  • Student Support Office Contacts

    • You can contact the student support office via email and arrange a meeting with a member or the team.  We can offer support and/or signpost you to a range of more specialised services. 








  • Academic Advising

  • Transition to university

    • Academic skills

      Academic Skills Enhancement (ASE) supports students in developing the skills they need to excel at university. 

      We do this by delivering one-to-one tutorials, workshops and online resources for students at all levels. 

      We also work with peer mentors and collaborate with academic staff to embed our support into the curriculum.

      Academic skills screenshot

    • QMUL has a QMPlus module dedicated to helping new students transition into QMUL and university life. Please work through it if you are a new student.


      Learning and Development

      "We aim to offer students practical guidance in developing insights and practices that will contribute to their success whilst at Queen Mary. We do so by working with students on an individual basis and in small and larger groups, and by collaborating with academic teachers to improve design and practice in modules and programmes so that students are exposed to more effective and more engaging opportunities to become successful  - in their disciplines and in their subsequent lives."


      screenshot of learning development homepage

      QMUL Counselling

      A blog about emotional and mental wellbeing from the QMUL Advice and Counselling Service


      qmul counselling screenshot

    • Starting university is a big step on an even bigger journey in your life, so there are bound to be many things you are unsure about. 

      There will be plenty of advice available once you arrive on campus, but Queen Mary would also like to provide you with additional guidance, resources and events before you start to help you to get ahead. Feel free to explore this site to learn more about what you can expect, what you can do to prepare, and hear from other students about their experiences. 

  • Faith


  • War

  • Topic 8

  • Topic 9

  • Topic 10

  • Topic 11

  • Support at QMUL

    • Advice and counselling at QMUL have a well-being page with information about counselling, self-help and more.

      The service is confidential and independent of us. We do not know if you have been unless you choose to tell us.

    • The Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) will work with students with mental and physical health difficulties to put in place appropriate support.

    • Across QMUL there are staff trained as Mental Health First Aiders.

      You can find a list of them here:

      You don't need to approach someone from the Institute of Dentistry.

    • Specialist Mentors for students with mental health conditions and autism w:

    • Well-being reading list online

      This reading list covers many different topics and includes resources available through QMUL. Topics include:

      • Anxiety
      • Depression
      • Eating disorders
      • Obsessive compulsive disorder
      • Sleep problems
      • Stress
      • Suicide and self-harm

      w: Wellbeing | Queen Mary, University of London (

  • Resources

    LGBTQ definitions every good ally should know

    • A society set up to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all LGBT+ (and unsure!) medics, dentists, and other students studying at Barts and The London.

      Events include fun-filled socials exploring London; lectures and discussion nights from inspirational speakers; our own gaming servers; cultural film nights celebrating the best in LGBT cinema and zany events that no other society can provide. Our society also works to ensure the curriculum and student experience at BL are LGBT-friendly, as well as having links with GLADD (The Gay Lesbian Association of Doctors and Dentists) for professional opportunities as well as social ones.

    • For many people, starting university can be terrifying.

      It means moving away from home, living with strangers for the first time and being independent – there’s so much going on in this transition.

      For LGBTQ+ students, it can be particularly challenging and if this applies to you, you’re not alone.

    • QM LGBT+ Society provides a safe space for all members and allies of the LGBTQ community at Queen Mary.

      Our goal as the QM LGBT+ society is to provide a supportive space for all members of the LGBTQ+ Community at Queen Mary. We hope to foster a better understanding of queer people within the university with our open discussion events and awareness stands, as well as connect LGBTQ+ students through our regular socials. We hope to see you there !! <33

  • Urgent Support

    • As students, you may be the first to notice a peer who is struggling.

      We are encouraging all students to undertake this training to help prevent student suicide.

    • London Nightline is an anonymous listening and information service run by students, for students.

      You can talk to a trained volunteer about anything – big or small – in complete confidence.

      We won’t judge you or tell you how to run your life: we’ll simply listen to whatever’s on your mind.

      We are all students who have undergone extensive training and who understand that university life isn’t always plain sailing.

      How can I contact you?

      We aim to be accessible, so you can contact us in a way that suits you best. Our phones are still the most popular mode of contact, but increasingly instant messagingSkype, and email are being used as ways to contact us.

      We are open from 6pm to 8am every night of term.

      Please contact us using the methods below.
      Phone: (+44)207 631 0101
      Instant Messaging: via this link
      Skype Phone: londonnightline

  • Mindfulness

    • Taster Sessions – for the curious

      Designed as a fun and informative introduction to mindfulness for the curious. Participants leave with an understanding of the theory behind mindfulness and an experience of mindfulness practices.

      Stress Less Study – 4 week course

      Designed for students this beginners course offers a firm introduction to mindfulness and core mindfulness skills. The focus will be on how Mindfulness can aid attention, memory, reduce stress and improve study performance.

      First Steps Course - beginners

      This beginners course gives a firm introduction to mindfulness and core mindfulness skills. It’s focus is on understanding how our habits inhibit our natural curiosity about ourselves and our world.

      Next Steps Course – intermediary

      This intermediate course is ideal for those who have attended a First Steps Course or the Stress Less Study Course and for already confident meditators. We will be exploring the classic Four Foundations of Mindfulness using core mindfulness practices.  A great course for going deeper.

    • This saying is one that embodies mindfulness, of being aware of the present:

      "The past is history
      The future is a mystery
      But today is a gift
      That's why it's called the Present"

      It's even found its way into Kung-Fu Panda.

    • This is a brief document that explains mindfulness and has some links to helpful online resources.

    • Non-guided and guided mindfulness meditation acknowledges and pays attention to feelings and thoughts. 

      With roots in Buddhism, mindfulness meditation is widely practiced in a secular context. 

      It focuses on bringing awareness to the present and making observations with openness, curiosity, compassion and composure. 

      It helps recognise habitual thoughts and tendencies without judgement.

  • Talking and self-directed therapies

    • Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT for short, is a treatment that helps people build skills to effectively handle the challenges that life throws at them. 

      Overwhelming research over the past two decades has shown CBT to be the most effective therapy for a whole host of problems: anxiety, depression, OCD, anger, phobias, eating disorders, substance abuse, assertiveness, shame, avoidance, procrastination, and relationship problems, just to name a few. Because CBT teaches people to solve their own problems by learning and practicing new skills, CBT helps people stay well long after treatment is complete.

    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) involves many helpful thoughts, practices and alternative perspectives that can change how you see yourself and your world for the better. 

      As well as aiding recognised conditions, CBT can help you to transform how you feel about yourself generally, and you can become more forward thinking and constructive with regards to past, present and future.

    • There are at least 10 common cognitive distortions that can contribute to negative emotions. They also fuel catastrophic thinking patterns that are particularly disabling.

      Read this short document and see if you can identify ones that are familiar to you.

    • This short guide from The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust explores why striving for perfectionism can be unhealthy.

      Perfectionism guide screenshot

    • All areas of England have "Improving Access to Psychological Services" (IAPTS) programmes.

      Each council in London organises these and they are free.

      Use this site to find your local IAPT.
    • Instead of mercilessly judging and criticizing yourself for various inadequacies or shortcomings, self-compassion means you are kind and understanding when confronted with personal failings – after all, who ever said you were supposed to be perfect?

  • Assertiveness

    As Student Support Lead, I talk about assertiveness a lot with students who are struggling with their mental health.

    Anxiety and depression can sometimes be linked to a sense of disempowerment and so developing assertiveness can help you take more control over your encounters with others.

    • w:

      Our experiences of encounters with others can be improved by developing assertiveness skills

      Assertiveness works on the basis that you have as much right as anybody else to be treated respectfully and to have your opinion heard.

      Many people suffer mental health difficulties because they feel others don't respect these rights so learning some skills to stand up and assert yourself could improve your sense of well-being.

    • Assertiveness is a key skill that can help you to better manage yourself, people and situations. 

      It can help you to influence others in order to gain acceptance, agreement or behaviour change.

      It is the ability to express your opinions positively and with confidence. 

      Assertive people are in control of themselves and are honest with themselves and others.

  • Depression

    If you or someone you know is in a crisis, please follow the guidance on this QMUL page.


    • Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. 

      They are there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

      You don't have to be suicidal to call.

      Telephone: 116 123 - Free

    • Students Against Depression provides you with a calm environment and the resources to help you find a way forward - a website offering advice, information and guidance to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking.

    • We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

      We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

  • Eating disorders

  • Exam anxiety / stress

    Exams and other assessments are stressful times for almost all of us. A small amount of stress is helpful because it helps us get down to revising and keeps us alert during the assessment.

    However, for many students, stress often becomes unhelpful meaning they cause themselves to become unwell, harm themselves or harm their relationships.

    Below are links to several sites with ideas for how to prevent and / or manage unhelpful stress and anxiety.

  • Addiction

    • British Doctors and Dentists' Group

      A group of doctors and dentists who are recovering from, or wish to recover from, addiction / dependency on alcohol and / or other drugs.


      BDDG logo
    • This BDJ article was written by a dentist who was ultimately helped by the Dentists Health Support Trust to get back on track with his life.

    • Have you been affected by a family member struggling with alcohol use?

      There is support for family at Al-anon:

      al-anon logo

    • Fitness to Practice

      If you or a fellow student are using recreational drugs or drinking large quantities of alcohol, please speak to us as soon as possible.

      The GDC takes a very hard line on these behaviours and you may be subject to a fitness to practice process if you are found to be behaving in this way. This does not prevent you from graduating or from having a fulfilling career in dentistry. However, not seeking help could prevent both.

      Ftp case study screenshot

      Please have a look at this case study from the GDC about a student using drugs and speak to us or Advice and Counselling sooner rather than later if you are concerned about your drug or alcohol use.

  • Crisis Support

    • If your life is in danger or if you have a medical emergency (including mental health) call 999

      For further support information visit the QMUL Help in Crisis Page 

  • Bullying and harassment

    • Student dignity: raising concerns about inappropriate behaviour

      If you are a student and have experienced unacceptable or bad behaviour by a staff member or another student and would like to talk about what has happened, please speak in confidence to a member of the Student Support Office.

      Email or come to Office 5 or Office 20 on the 4th floor of the dental hospital.

      If you would like to report the incident(s) immediately, you can do so by one of two means:

      • Make a report within the Institute of Dentistry using this form:
        • Your form will be read by Monica Canosa, Institute of Dentistry Manager, and Dominic Hurst, Student Support Lead.
        • It will be treated with upmost confidence.
        • We will contact you within two working days to check how you are and discuss options.
        • We will not do anything without your agreement except when your or someone else's safety is at risk.
      • Make a report on QMUL’s Report and Support Portal here:
        • You form will be read by a member of the central QMUL student wellbeing team and directed the most appropriate person to respond.
        • Again, no action will be taken without having spoken to you except when your or someone else's safety is at risk.

    • Please read this guidance for all options for emotional support and informal and formal reporting processes when a student has experienced inappropriate behaviour.

    • I have created an online course about discrimination, harassment and bullying. Please click on the image below or this link.

      Dominic Hurst

      Bullying and harassment course screenshot

    • If you experience bullying or harassment by another student, a staff member or anyone else at QMUL, please consider reporting it here.

      Feel free to contact Becky Hunter or Dominic Hurst for a confidential meeting too.

    • This document is from QM HR department but relevant to students.

  • Racism

    If you experience racism, please speak in confidence to Dr Hurst or Becky Hunter.

    • Racial micro-aggressions in the clinical setting.

      Guests Mr Damiete Harry and Dr Arunthathi Mahendran. Presenter Dr Riya George.

      In this podcast, Dr Riya George from the medical school talks to two clinicians about their experiences of racism and their advice for students of colour and allies.

      The Clin Comm Podcast screenshot

    • Experiencing racial discrimination and injustice can take a heavy emotional toll and trigger chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and racial trauma. 

      But there are ways to strengthen your resilience and protect your mental health.

    • Support at QMUL

      If you have been the target or victim of bullying or harassment, please see this guidance from QMUL.

      If you have been accused of something at university, you may feel distressed. There is some helpful guidance from QMUL here.

    • Support beyond QMUL

      on your site logo On Your Side runs a UK-wide support and reporting service for anyone in the UK who identifies as East and Southeast Asian who has experienced racism or any forms of hate.

  • Adults who have experienced childhood abuse

    • National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)

      NAPAC offers support to adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect.


      Helpline (10am – 4pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and from 2pm – 9pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays): 0808 801 0331

      NAPAC screenshot

    • Help for Adult Victims of Childhood Abuse (HAVOCA)

      HAVOCA is run by survivors for adult survivors of child abuse. They provide support, friendship and advice for any adult whose life has been affected by childhood abuse.


      HAVOCA screenshot

  • Support following a crime incl. sexual assault or rape

    If you have been raped, see the information on the Rape Crisis page about what to do next.

  • Domestic abuse

    Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual violence.

    Domestic abuse can be financial, emotional, psychological, sexual or physical.

    It can be perpetrated by an intimate partner but also by others in the home including parents or parents-in-law, children or siblings.

    QMUL Advice and Counselling Domestic Abuse page

    • Women's Aid is a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services and
      build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated.


      women's aid logo

      A couple of years ago, Women's Aid and Cosmopolitan surveyed women about their experiences of abuse. They found that 2/3 of women who said they had not experienced abuse did not recognise red flag behaviours that suggested they had.

      Cosmopolitan survey of abuse - red flags screenshot

    • Galop is the UK’s only specialist LGBT+ anti-violence charity.

      They provide advice, support and advocacy to people who have experienced hate crime, domestic abuse and sexual violence.

      Galop is an independent organisation and their services are confidential and free.

      w: Galop - the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity

    • Oxford University project: Women speak out about experiences of domestic violence and abuse to help others.

      This project involved recording interviews with many women about their experiences of physical, emotional, sexual and psychological abuse.

      Someone close to me found these very helpful to understand that she was in an abusive relationship.


      university of oxford logo

    • Bright Sky App

      If you have any doubts about whether you or someone you know are in an abusive relationship please download this app and explore.


      Bright sky app

    • Karma Nirvana

      • Are you being PRESSURED to get married against your will?
      • Do you fear to bring SHAME & dishonour on your family?
      • Have you been emotionally manipulated or physically ABUSED?
      • Are you being told to get married because of your RELIGION?
      • Do you worry about being DISOWNED?


  • Financial support

    • QMUL has a single portal to assist students with cost of living.

    • If you are a BDS student in need of financial assistance, as well as contacting the central Welfare team at QMUL, please consider emailing Kate McFarlane.

      Kate is the Student Finance And Bursaries Manager at Barts and The London SMD, and has access to other funds.

      I am afraid, for BSc students, that Kate only manages funds for medical and dental students.

      Kate's email is:

      Tel: 020 7882 2124

    • The BDA Benevolent Fund welcomes applications from students.


      BDA benevolent fund logo

  • Absence

    • Planned and Unplanned absence

      Please access the form online here or scan this QR code with your phone.

      Unplanned reporting QR code

  • Extenuating circumstances

  • Specific Learning Differences / Neurodiversity

    For example, dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    • Students and Dominic Hurst speak about their diagnoses of different specific learning differences.

    • You will find the DDS screening questionnaire here.

      If you submit this questionnaire, it will be reviewed by the Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) to see if you are likely to have one or more of dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD.

    • Dyslexia

    • If you would like to get an idea of whether you might have dyslexia, use this checklist.

    • The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) has been the voice of dyslexic people since 1972. We are a membership organisation working to achieve a dyslexia-friendly society for all.

    • Dyspraxia

      Please also see the resources for help in developing fine motor skills:

    • Lots of resources for adults with dyspraxia.

    • ADHD

    • Struggling to concentrate, having too much energy or not being able to easily control your behaviour are some of the symptoms of ADHD. Find out more about ADHD and how to get help.

    • The site for and by adults with ADHD.

      There is a page on this site for helping students with ADHD cope at university.

    • Psychiatrist Lidia Zylowska shares how people with ADHD can manage their restless minds.

      There is a podcast here:

    • Autism

    • We are a group of autistic medical doctors with a shared vision. At the time of writing this, our membership includes over 500 autistic doctors. We believe that autistic doctors bring a variety of strengths to healthcare, including an array of benefits for autistic patients. We adopt a neurodiversity-affirmative approach to our work, which centres around four core areas:

      • Support
      • Advocacy
      • Research
      • Education

    • An Australian site with resources about autism.

    • Disability And Dyslexia Service for students at the Institute of Dentistry

      The Disability and Dyslexia Service’s (DDS) Disability Adviser for students in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry will be based in the Institute of Dentistry from 12:00 – 14:00 on the last Tuesday of the month (room TBC on the day). 

      Our adviser can provide guidance and support in the following areas:

      • Applying for funding through the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)
      • Implementing practical support such as:
        • Processing of applications for Examination Access Arrangements (e.g. additional time)
        • Recommendations for reasonable adjustments for teaching and placements
        • Accessing loaned equipment (e.g. digital recorders)
        • Specialist 1:1 support, where applicable, such as
          • Specialist one-to-one "study skills" tuition
          • Mentoring support for students with mental health difficulties and conditions on the autistic spectrum.

      We are offering pre-booked appointments either 1 hour long or 20 minutes if you just have a quick query. 

      Appointments are offered face-to-face or online

      More information about the Services we offer can be found on the Disability and Dyslexia Service’s Website.

       The link for booking is IoD DDS Booking (

  • Topic 32

  • Student Support Cards

    • Student support cards are written by students with Dominic Hurst or Becky Hunter.

      Their purpose is to inform staff when a student has a condition and would like to ask for particular help or support.

      Examples include:

      • Having a physical difficulty or health problem
      • Having a specific learning difference, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD
      • Being very anxious about an aspect of patient care

      Below you can see some examples of what might be written on the cards.

      Please contact the Becky or Dominic if you feel this might be helpful.

  • DDS Examination Access Arrangements

    • Students with disabilities, specific learning differences like dyslexia and short-term conditions (e.g. broken limbs, pregnancy) can apply to the Disability and Dyslexia Service for Examination Access Arrangements (EAA's).

      The role of the Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) is to agree appropriate arrangements with the student. This is part of QMULs legal responsibility to offer its disabled students ‘reasonable adjustments’, as outlined in the Equality Act (2010).


      exam access arrangements screenshot

  • Confidentiality in the SSO

  • Staff-student communications

    • This policy was approved by the Dental Executive, Chaired by the Dean, in October 2021.

      Staff should only communicate with students using email, Teams and QMPlus Forum announcements.

  • Official letters

  • Fitness to study or practice and professional capability

    • This is used when, despite all efforts to support a student, their health has significantly impacts on their or others' ability to study.

      Many students have physical or mental health concerns and only a very small proportion across QMUL will ever need to be subject to this. Where there are no professionalism concerns, this means students do not need to be subject to the Professional Capability process that the GDC requires.

      When a student has done something deemed unprofessional e.g. in association with substance misuse, we would invoke this policy before referring to the Professional Capability Committee. This is because it allows the student to demonstrate that they have positively responded to the conditions laid out from this procedure and this is professional behaviour. We hope this will make the Professional Capability process more straightforward.

      The key message here is to seek help early, take responsibility for your situation, make changes and avoid breaching any of the GDC's nine principles.

    • Professional Capability refers, in the broadest sense, to a student’s health and behaviour being compatible with the expectations of the General Dental Council. Please see the link below to the GDC's Student Professionalism and Fitness to Practise guidance.

      When a student's health is impacting their studies but we are not concerned that any of the GDC's nine principles have been breached, we will usually use the QMUL-wide Student Fitness to Study policy as this does not refer to professionalism.

      However, where a student fails to take responsibility for their health or condition, or they act in a way that breaches one of the nine principles, we are required to refer to the Professional Capability Committee (PCC), who invoke this policy.

      This is because QMUL is required to certify its confirmation that a graduate from a primary dental qualification or professional dental care programme has demonstrated that they are fit to practise upon graduation. When a graduating student registers with the GDC, they will be asked if they have had any formal investigations into professional conduct and must say yes if they have been subject to a PCC.

      The key message is to seek help early, take responsibility and avoid breaching any of the nine GDC ethical principles.

    • This guidance sets out the principles of professional behaviour expected of you during your training to become a registered dental professional. It applies to all students training to become a member of the dental team registered by the General Dental Council (GDC).

      The important thing from the SSO perspective is that you seek help for any problems early so that they do not become professionalism issues. Principle nine is particularly relevant to student well-being issues such as drug use. So long as students take responsibility for their health issue, take steps to improve it and have not done anything to bring their professionalism into question, then they have not breached these principles.

      GDC 9 ethical principles

  • Absent students

    • This policy covers how staff are expected to respond when students are missing.

    • On Mysis, there are contact details for your next of kin. If we were concerned that you had gone missing and could not get hold of you, this would be the default person we would contact next. Some students do not want us to contact their next of kin, for various reasons. If you would prefer the SSO to contact someone else, please use this form to let us know who. Information submitted here will be held confidentially in the Student Support Office. If you do not feel comfortable completing the form, please email details of a preferred contact to the student support administrators at or Rebecca Hunter at

  • Interrupting studies

  • Appeals

    • If you are considering an appeal, please do not wait to begin as you only have 14 days from official notification (i.e. CONFIRMATION) of the decision or result to submit one.

      Ensure you read the guidance on appeals here (

      You can also find the most up to date form there too.

      ARCS appeals screenshot

      And please get in touch with Annie Mitchell in the Academic Advice Service ( for help completing the appeals form.

      Academic advice service screenshot

      You are free to speak to the student support office during this time.

      We cannot provide you with procedural advice, as this is what the academic advice service does, but we can support you with other concerns.

  • Other Student Support Services

  • Motor skills resources

  • External resources

    • PatientsLikeMe is committed to putting patients first. We do this by providing a better, more effective way for you to share your real-world health experiences in order to help yourself, others and advance research.

  • Dental careers videos & podcasts

  • Student Staff Liaison Committees

  • Gambling

    • Being a compulsive gambler can harm your health and relationships, and leave you in serious debt.

      If you have a problem with gambling and you'd like to stop, support and treatment is available.

    • Support for those living with compulsive gamblers.

    • National Gambling Helpline

      0808 8020 133

    • An NHS-run service for people with compulsive gambling.

    • Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others do the same.

    • When a hidden addiction takes control... Do It For Her is a hard hitting new drama short film. Bilal is struggling in silence with university, family life and money. As he desperately looks for a way out, the devastating impact of a hidden addiction takes over all aspects of his life. But what can you do when a hidden addiction takes control?
  • Studying with children

  • Interviews about well-being

  • Intercalating

    • Intercalation is when a student takes a year out of the BDS programme to study a BSc or MSc in another subject.

      Sadly, this isn't available to BSc Oral Health students.

      The degrees provide an opportunity for in-depth study of selected biomedical technologies, health services research, and biomedical, and social sciences. They are aimed at those medical, dental or veterinary students wishing to undertake a year of research-orientated study.

      Students will develop:

      • In-depth knowledge of defined areas of the science that underpins modern medicine
      • Skills of critical evaluation in relation to relevant biomedical literature and data
      • The ability to communicate scientific information in a variety of formats
      • Research skills enabling design, execution, interpretation and reporting of experiments in an area of biomedical or social science.

      Students can apply to study at QMUL or at another university.

      Please keep an eye on deadlines - they are usually in the early part of the calendar year.

      For information on how to apply, please see this link:

      If you have any queries, please contact Thuraisha Naidoo:

      If you would like to have a chat with a student who has intercalated, please get in touch with Dominic Hurst ( who will put you in touch with one.

  • Engagement monitoring - CATQR

    • For FAQs and guidance on how to register or edit a Profile ID and download the CATQR app, please see this page.

      If you are told you already have a Profile ID when you try to register a new one, please search all your personal, NHS and college email addresses using "Profile ID".

  • Undergraduate Induction Handbook

  • Postgraduate Handbook

  • What does ‘extenuating’ mean?

    • There are times in everyone’s life when things happen unexpectedly. Sometimes these unexpected events mean that our daily routines or plans are thrown off course, which may mean that we cannot do the things we intended to do.

      As students, we might have a coursework or assessment deadline that we have every intention of meeting, but something beyond our control may mean that we can no longer meet that deadline. For example, we might break an arm playing football a few days before an important exam or coursework deadline. This is where the University’s ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ process can help.

      The word “extenuate” has its origins in a latin word that means ‘to make thin’ and has come into the English language as a word that infers someone’s individual circumstances are taken into account when assessing their situation.

  • How to apply

    • The Extenuating Circumstances task on MySIS allows you to register extenuating circumstance claims against assessment elements/modules where it is felt that illness or other circumstances led to non-attendance or non-submission. The task can be found on MySIS under its own section entitled ‘Extenuating Circumstances’. Any student registered for assessments will automatically have access.

      • Log in to your MySIS account and click on ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ in the menu bar at the top of the screen. This will bring up a summary showing your personal details, details of your programme and various headings denoting different stages of the claim process. 
      • Click on the ‘New Claim’ button. 

      To help you navigate the claim process there is PDF 'Extenuating Circumstances Student Guide' which can be found on the MySIS Extenuating Circumstances home page. 

      In most cases Extenuating Circumstances claims should be made by students themselves, but it is possible for your home department to create a claim on your behalf if necessary. This should only ever be done on your request and based on evidence/self-certification details that you have provided.

  • What evidence do I need

    • When you start your Extenuating Circumstances claim on MySIS, the second drop-down box allows you to select the claim type as either ‘Standard Claim’ or ‘Self-Certification’. 

      (The claim type cannot later be changed - if you selected the incorrect type you will need to delete your claim and start a new one) 

  • UCAS Budget Calculator

  • Videos on Extenuating Circumstances

  • Neurodivergent Society (QMSU)

    • Hi, and welcome to the Queen Mary Neurodivergent Society!

      As a new society on campus, we have 3 main functions:

      • To provide a safe space for neurodiverse people to come and relax, and interact with other neurodiverse people.
      • To provide educative sessions about different forms of neurodiversity, their misconceptions, and how we cope with them.
      • To provide career development opportunities to our neurodiverse community, and provide access to networking opportunities with people in all kinds of industries.

      Whether it be through weekly socials, biweekly educative sessions and career sessions, external speakers, or conferences, we really hope you'll find a place for you in our society!

      We have a WhatsApp Group chat that is used regularly both for general conversation and to discuss neurodivergence. If you would like to join, please email us at and let us know you would like to join with your name and phone number. 

  • Care and Caring Responsibilities