Topic outline

  • General

    COMPAS - for your module outcomes and learning objectives MEDPRO Malta - The Barts and The London MEDPRO Curriculum SSC (Student Selected Components)

    • BB Neurology

      Neurology Neurology
    • BB Ophthalmology

      Ophthalmology Ophthalmology
    • BB Psychiatry

      Psychiatry Psychiatry
    • CSP ENT & Ethics

      Classroom skills Classroom skills
    • Global Health

      Global Health Ophthalmology
    • HD Child Health

      Child health Child Health
    • HD Obstetrics & Gynaecology

      Obstetrics & Gynaecology Obstetrics & Gynaecology
    • Loco Musculoskeletal

      Musculoskeletal Musculoskeletal
    • Loco Geriatric Medicine

      Health care of the elderly Health care of the Elderly
    • LOCO Dermatology

      Dermatology Dermatology
    • HIV & Sexual Health

      HIV & Sexual Health HIV & Sexual Health
    • Clin/Pharm Therapeutics

      Clin/Pharm Therapeutics Clin/Pharm Therapeutics
    • Student Selected Component (SSC)

    • GP4 Placement

      Community Medicine Classroom skills
    • Exams and Assessment

      HUman Development
    • Library Information and Resources

      Library Information
    • Academic Support - Remediation Programmes

      Academic support Clinical Communication Skills
    • Please note, you will only be able to get a replacement ID card if you are temporarily or fully enrolled. If you are eligible for re-enrolment, you will not be able to get a replacement ID card until you have completed the re-enrolment task.

      If you need a replacement ID card, please check which of the circumstances in the drop-down tabs below are applicable to you and read the guidance on what you need to do in order to get your new ID card.

    • The Institute of Health Sciences Education (IHSE) has created a policy on the requirement to wear face coverings or face masks. The policy applies to all programmes run by the IHSE which includes MBBS and PA. If you find the policy applies to you please do follow the process outlined in this document.

    • This site is aimed at supporting your development of clinical skills and communication skills, particularly at this challenging time. It doesn’t replace face to face teaching, but gives lots of hits and tips (eg OSCE technique) and refresher videos. It even allows you to write your own communication skills scenarios to practice.

  • General Information

    • Virtual Primary Care is a general practice based educational resource providing students with access to a video library of authentic primary care consultations. Every consultation has been tagged for clinical and educational content and is accompanied by a brief summary, associated learning points and references, making it a very useful asset for your studies.

  • 2024/2025 INTRO WEEK


  • January 9th & June 5th Applications Presentation

  • Pebble Pad Student guidance

  • Student Support

  • Student professionalism

    • Annual Disclosure of matters of interest to the GMC

  • Inter-professional education (IPE)

    • An introduction to patient safety and human factors from an interprofessional perspective.  This gives background information for the IPE tasks during your Year 4 clinical rotations.

    • Interprofessional Case Study Assignments

    • Update June 2020

      Due to limitations on accessing clinical placements during the pandemic lockdown, students may choose between the following options when submitting this report.  If you were able to complete your report in a clinical setting, then you may follow the original assignment instructions below.  If you were unable to complete your report in a clinical setting, then you should follow the instructions for the alternative assignment below.  It is expected that most students will complete the alternative assignment. 


      During your clinical placements we want you to consider and write about the interprofessional elements involved in day-to-day practice, as they relate to team-working and human factors.

      You are required to write one short case report with an Interprofessional focus during term 3.    The report should focus on the human factors elements of collaboration between two or more different professions involved in patient care.  These will need to be shown to your placement education supervisor/consultant for sign off before submitting them.  We would encourage you to discuss the reports with your supervisor to extend your understanding of interprofessional collaboration within that setting.   You should then post your assignments and submit them to Turnitin. Click on the Interprofessional Case Study 1 link below.   Please remember confidentiality; no places or names to be mentioned.  The cases or situations you refer to should be based on any of your placement case studies during the fourth year.  

      You should include your completed reports, together with any feedback from your Consultant/Placement Supervisor, in your Year 4 Portfolio as evidence of your developing professionalism.

      ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT (short essay 600-800 words)


      1. Research and describe the roles played by each of these members of the multi-disciplinary team with specific reference to the care and management of patients hospitalised with COVID-19:
        1. Paramedic
        2. ITU nurse
        3. Radiographer
        4. Physiotherapist
        5. Speech & Language Therapist
        6. PALS Officer


      2. With reference to the SHEEP framework, discuss how multidisciplinary collaboration enhances safety in the care of COVID-19 patients. 

      Rosenorn-Lanng SHEEP Framework




      e.g. hospital, department, professional etc.

      Cultural differences between professions

      Information systems

      e.g. manual – patient notes etc.

      Automated etc.

      Uniprofessional or shared records

      Protocols & Guidelines

      e.g. national, local, checklists etc

      Uniprofessional or shared MDT protocols and guidelines

      Organisational flow

      e.g. clinical departments, HR, finance department.

      Different work/shift patterns within MDT

                                                                 Human Interactions          

      Team dynamics

      e.g. multidisciplinary team roles, preferred styles, conflict etc


      e.g. between MDT team members, with patients etc.


      e.g. ambiguity, duplication, listening.

      Differences in professional jargon/acronyms within MDT


      e.g. leadership style, lack of leadership,

      Autonomy of different professions etc



      e.g. complexity, journeys between locations etc

      MDT in shared location or separate locations


      e.g. immovable structures, movable structures etc


      e.g. People, phones, bleeps etc


      e.g. safety controls, biochemical hazards etc


      Problems with the equipment itself

      e.g. fitness for task, readiness for use, etc.


      e.g. prescribing abbreviations, illegibility, ambiguity, etc.

      User interactions

      e.g. knowledge or skill, preference, procedures checks, etc

      Human tissue, Blood products

      e.g. collection, processing, administration, etc.



      e.g. mood, confidence, lack of self awareness, etc.


      e.g. tired, hungry, unwell, stressed, etc.

      Life events

      e.g. family issues, relationships, moving house, bereavement, etc


      e.g.  Attitudes between professions within MDT.  Positive - trust & respect OR Negative - disrespect, mistrust, fear, antagonism

      The information you post is available for all to see (similar to your GP placement work).  Do not include your name, nor any information that could identify clinicians or patients within the text of your report.

      We will be keeping a full register of this submitted work and failure to complete will be reported to the Head of Year.

      Please contact Dr Celia Woolf if you have any questions about how to complete the task.

      Contact the IT Helpdesk for issues with posting your case study or with submitting it to TurnitIn.

  • Tomorrow's Doctors - MMC & Foundation Training

  • Education Quality

    Within this section you will find information about student surveys along with how the medical school has responded to feedback and improved the course.

  • Medical Maltese

  • Raising concerns

    If you wish to raise a concern and speak up you should do so using Report and Support:


    The process below outlines what you can expect from the School once you have submitted your concern via Report and Support.  If you are unsure what to do you are encouraged to contact a member of staff within the School first and there is a list of helpful contacts on page 3 of the process. 


    The Raising Concerns & Speaking Up module has been created to support you in raising concerns about things you may have witnessed or experienced.



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