Topic Name Description
File Syllabus (with strike update)
Week 1 Grammatical number I File Handout 1
File Obligatory reading: Corbett (2000), pp. 19-35
File Puzzle 1
File General feedback for puzzle 1
Week 2 Grammatical number II File Handout 2
File Slides for week 2
File Obligatory reading: Corbett (2000), pp. 166-169
File Optional reading: Harbour (2014)
File Optional reading: Laidig and Laidig (1990)
File Puzzle 2
File General feedback for puzzle 2
Week 3 Definite noun phrases I File Handout 3
File Obligatory reading: Beck and Gergel’s (2014) section on 'the'
File Optional reading: Champollion (2014), pp. 3-5 and 17-18
File Puzzle 3
File General feedback for Puzzle 3
Week 4 Definite noun phrases II File Handout 4
File Obligatory and optional reading: Abbott (2006)
File Puzzle 4
File General feedback for puzzle 4
Week 6 Review File Handout 5
File Puzzle 5
File Puzzle 5 general feedback
Week 8 Quantification I File Handout 6
File Reading: Kearns (2011) 96-103 (obligatory) and 118-121 (optional)
File Sample answer to a puzzle
File Puzzle 6
File Puzzle 6 general feedback
Week 10 Quantification II File Handout 7
File Class board week 10
File Obligatory reading: Kearns (2011) 118-121 (96-103 included in case you want to reread that)
File Optional reading: von Fintel and Matthewson (2008)
File Puzzle 7
Week 11 Questions File Handout 8
File Obligatory reading: Beck and Gergel 2014, chapter I-6, section 1
File Optional reading: Krifka 2011, sections 1-3
File Puzzle 8
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SLLF marking criteria for literature / culture / linguistics / film modules

File SLLF UG Coursework Coversheet

You should use this coversheet for all assessed coursework

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