Topic outline

  • Welcome

    Welcome to the Module Registration Information Page for the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

    This QMPlus area is intended for SLLF students (UG and PGT), students from other Schools who wish to take SLLF modules, and Associate students.

    • SLLF UG students, see the content below.
    • All other students please use the appropriate tab above.

    SLLF Undergraduate Students

    Module Registration closed on Sunday 7th April. The Programme Admin Team have completed allocating students to modules and have confirmed module choices in MySIS.   

    You will have an opportunity to make Module Change requests in September closer to the start of the new 2024-25 academic year. We will be in touch closer to the time with further information. 

    The process for choosing Modules for 2024-25 during the pre-registration period can be found below:  

    • Module Registration in MySIS will open for 2024-25 on Monday 18th March 2024.  

    • You have until Sunday 7th April 2024 (23:59) to submit your module choices in MySIS.  

    • The SLLF Programme Admin Team will begin to review Module Requests from Monday 8th April 2024.   

    • You will receive confirmation of your choices from the SLLF Programme Admin Team from Wednesday 8th May 2024.  

    • Guidance on how to submit your choices via MySIS can be found found under the 'MySIS Guidance/Screenshots' Tab above.  

    • Final Year Comparative Literature and Modern Languages students should read the information regarding applying for the Research Project, if you wish to take SML005/COM6201 or SML6204.  

    Failure to submit any choices by the 7th April deadline will result in the SLLF Programme Admin Team having to choose modules on your behalf. You may have difficulties changing from these modules at a later date due to restrictions with the new timetabling system.  

    Joint-honours students on the following programmes should submit their SLLF modules via our online form (as their home School may not be using MySIS):  

    • English Literature and Linguistics (with or without a Year Abroad)  

    • English and Film Studies (with or without a Year Abroad)  

    • Film Studies and Drama (with or without a Year Abroad)  

    Please continue to check your QM email regularly for information to support your transition to your next Academic Year.  

    Please continue to check your QM email regularly for information to support your transition to your next Academic Year. 


    Any questions regarding SLLF modules and module registration, please contact the SLLF Programme Admin Team  
    (email ) 


    Next steps before making your selections:

    • Read the relevant Programme Regulations.
    • Consult the SLLF Module Directory and Availability List.
    • Check the Module Outlines to obtain a rough idea of the subject areas (for reference only).
    • Attend the Module Information Session for your Department.

    • Discuss your module selection with your Advisor (recommended).

    Things to consider:

    • Please take your time when making module selections to check all the resources and guidance made available to you, while keeping in mind the deadline set to complete your module registration or request module changes.
    • All students are required to take 120 credits in an academic year, it is not possible to take more credits.
    • Pay attention to the semester balance of modules. 60-60 balance is ideal. A 75-45 split might be accepted exceptionally, but you will have an unbalanced workload. A 45-75 split is not advised and will not be accepted.  Only Semester B modules can be changed in the second semester module amendment period.
    • Please check that you meet the pre-requisites of the modules you have selected. This information is available in the SLLF Module Directory.
    • Please note that if you’ve already taken a module with the exact same name but at a different level or with a different code, you will not be able to take it again.
    • Should you wish to take modules from outside of SLLF, please read the ‘How to take modules from Other Schools’ section and keep your choices to subjects outlined there. Be aware that many modules that appear in the selection pot on MySIS will not be suitable for you and will not be approved by that School.

    How To Submit:

    • Use the MySIS Guidance/Screenshots tab at the top and the Student MySIS Module Registration Guidance prepared by Student Records.
    • If you cannot access the Module Registration task in MySIS or you receive an error message when attempting to submit your choices in MySIS, please contact the SLLF Programme Admin Team (Email: and we will look into the issue for you ASAP.
    • Once you submit your main selection of modules, you will be required to submit reserve choices and you MUST choose these modules within SLLF unless you are on a joint-honours programme with a subject outside of SLLF. Please consider those carefully and ensure they are modules you would be happy to take and cover both Semesters.
    • After you submit your selections, your module registration status will change to ENT (Entered) and you will not be able to amend them until we either approve (status CON) or reject (status REJ) the whole submission. If you change your mind while your status is still ENT, email and we will reject your submission so you can resubmit. 
    • Once your initial module registration has been completed, you will have further opportunities to change your modules in September and to request changes to your Semester B modules in January.

    What happens next:

    • Following your submission, the Programme Admin Team will check that ALL of your module choices meet your Programme Regulations and pre-requisites, and make any necessary substitutions.
    • We will make every effort to allocate you to your first-choice modules or a comparable reserve choice, but if we are unable to place you on either, we will have to allocate you to any available SLLF module that meets your programme requirements.

    • Common reasons for rejection include not meeting pre-requisites, having previously taken the same module, rejection of modules by other Schools, semester imbalance,  availability.

    • Please note that availability of modules can change at any time and the School reserves the right to withdraw a module even if your module registration has previously been approved. 

    • If a module is oversubscribed, priority will be given to students on the relevant degree programme.

    If you have any questions about the module registration process, please contact your Academic Advisor, or contact the SLLF Programme Admin Team (Email:


    • The SLLF specific Module Directory and Availability List for 2024-25 can be found online here: Here you will find a list of all SLLF Modules that are planned to run, with links to module decriptions where we have them. Any descriptions we do not have, you will be able use the main online QMUL Module Directory for module content information, or click on the module title when selecting modules in MySIS for further module details. Students of Liberal Arts will be able to access their Module Lists in the Liberal Arts Sections on this QMPlus page.
    • Please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in the Module Directory and Availability List is correct, its contents remain provisional and subject to change until (and in some cases beyond) the start of 2024-25. You will be notified of any major additions or deletions from the Module Directory and Availability List periodically.
    • The Module Directory and Availability List does not include information about assessments, as they are subject to change following the review of module evaluations.
    • The timetable information is also not listed on the Module Directory and Availability List, as the module selections approved in the spring inform the creation of the timetable that is published in late summer for the next academic year.  For any subsequent module change requests when module registration re-opens in September (and again in January for Semester B module changes), you will need to take into account the existing timetable to avoid clashes.

    • Here is a list of Modules that are planned to run in the 2024-25 academic year. Please use this information to choose modules that balance equally across both Semesters (60 credits in Semester A and 60 credits in Semester B).



    Before you can submit your module choices for your second year of study, you will need to choose your Major/Minor pathway.

    You will be able to do so by submitting your Major and Minor choice via our online form (link can be found below).

    You will have until Sunday 3rd March 2024 to do so.

    Once we have these choices, our Student Records colleagues will update your record, which will enable you to then submit your module choices online via MySIS, once Module Registration opens.

    We will contact all students once MySIS is available for you to choose your choices and will send you a copy of the Liberal Arts Module Registration Directory, which you can use to select your modules from.

    Not available unless: You belong to LA 2nd Students


    If you wish to take a module from outside of SLLF as part of your main selection of 120 credits, you will also need to follow the other School's module registration procedures for external students and meet both theirs and SLLF's deadlines, before choosing them in MySIS and submitting your whole selection.

    Each School within QMUL may have a different process in order to register for their modules. We have provided information below for Schools that are sometimes able to offer places on their modules to SLLF students. Please check the instructions below for further information.


    The module outlines provide additional background on the subject and should be read along with the SLLF Undergraduate Module Directory and Availability List 2024-25.

    The module outlines below are a general overview and so changes to information, content, timetable, assessment etc. are likely to be made for the 2024-25 academic year. Not all modules listed below will be available in 2024-25, as module provision changes each year.


    Film Studies - This information Session took place on Tuesday 14 March 2023.

    Comparative Literature and Culture - The Comparative Literature Module Registration Meeting (for current first and second years) took place on Wednesday 13th March 2024. The Session can be watched here: Slides from the session can also be found below.

    Modern Languages and Culture -  The Modern Languages and Culture Module Registration Meeting (for current first and second years) took place on Wednesday 13th March 2024. The Session can be watched here:

    Liberal Arts - Current Year 1 Students:  A meeting to look at the themes and modules offered took place on Tuesday 20th February 2024. View workshop presentation slides on choosing a Major and Minor. Submit your Major/Minor Choice via this form by Sunday 3rd March 2024.

    Liberal Arts - Current Year 2 Students: A meeting to discuss Final Year Modules being offered took place on Thursday 14th March 2024.

    Linguistics -  The Linguistics Module Registration Session took place on Wednesday 13th March 2024. Slides from the session can be found below. The session can be watched here:


    SML6204 Research Project in Translation

    Detailed Information about the Research Project in Translation can be found in the document below.

    Should you wish to apply to take this module, you will first need to select it as one of your 120 credits of choices in MySIS by 11:55pm on Sunday 7th April 2024. You will then need to indicate the language you will translate from and, if known, the name of your proposed supervisor, by 11:55pm on Sunday 14th April 2024, by filling in this form:

    Please note that, although we will endeavour to match you with a supervisor, participation to the module is subject to the availability of staff with the relevant language expertise.

    COM6201/SML005 Research Projects

    Entry to these modules is selective, based on attainment of certain grades. 

    For 2024-25, second year students wishing to register for COM6201 and SML005 must demonstrate a 2:1 (60%) grade average in their studies so far (first year grades and available second year grades from Semester 1). Students currently on a Year Abroad must demonstrate a 2:1 (60%) grade average in the second year.

    If you meet these criteria then you should register for the module in the normal module registration process, which will take place on MySIS between 18 March 2024 and 7 April 2024. Please make sure you select the Research Project module as one of your main module choices, and not as a reserve choice.

    All students who want to take the Research Project module should also submit a 50-100 word topic proposal for the project, along with the name of the proposed supervisor, by the deadline of 14 April 2024. This information is provisional only and is designed to give us a guideline for what you propose to work on.

    You should choose your own topic, but it must be comparative for COM6201 or involve your primary language for SML005. You will be conducting primary research.

    The final decision to admit students to these modules will be based on grades attained, and the research proposal, and will be communicated from 8 May 2024.

    Students who have not submitted the proposal by 14 April will automatically be allocated to their reserve module choice instead. 

    See a sample topic proposal below.

    Not available unless: You belong to CLML

    • Check the MySIS Guidance/Screenshots tab for a step-by-step guide on how to complete module registration on MySIS.
    • If you cannot access the Module Registration task in MySIS or you receive an error message when attempting to submit your choices in MySIS, please email us at and we will look into the issue for you ASAP.


    • Use the ‘Module Registration’ menu in MySIS to submit your module selection. 
    • If you are a student taking either English Literature and Linguistics, English and Film Studies or Film Studies and Drama, you will need to complete module registration here [LINK TO FOLLOW].
    • Check your programme regulations and prepare your module selection before completing the task on MySISusing the SLLF Module Directory and Availability List 2024-25.
    • Your compulsory modules are already pre-selected, please do not select them again as your elective modules. 
    • You will be selecting modules from different pots, which are essentially tailored lists of available modules based on programme regulations (see step-by-step section for screenshots).
    • If a module you want to take does not appear, try searching for it in a different pot.
    • You do not have to select your first-choice modules from every pot; follow the guidelines in the programme regulations. 
    • If you’ve already taken a module with the exact same name but at a different level or under a different code, you will not be able to take it again.
    • After completing your main module selection, you will proceed to the reserve module selection screen, where you will need to choose the required number of reserve modules to complete the submission.
    • For your reserve options, you will be asked to select 30 or 45 credits of modules from every pot, to maximise the number of reserves you can provide, even if you didn’t use those pots in the main selection. 
    • Only choose reserve choices from the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film, unless you are on a joint-honours programme with another School. Make sure you provide reserve modules from both Semesters.

    Please follow the step-by-step guide below to submit your module choices.

    If you encounter difficulties at any stage of the process, please check our troubleshooting section.

    1. In MySIS top bar/menu, select 'Module Registration' to access the Module Registration task. To start the selection process, click 'I want to select/change my modules or add/view comments'.

    2. Your core and compulsory modules are already pre-selected, you only need to select the required number of elective modules, so that the total number of all credits is 120. In the example below, 15 credits of compulsory modules are already pre-selected, so only 105 credits of elective modules should be selected. Keep an eye on the elective credit tally circled blue.

    3. You need to select an appropriate number of credits from various pots which correspond to your programme requirements. You do not have to select elective modules from every pot, only from those that have a set minimum, but pay attention to the total number of credits you must choose. Note that some modules, particularly those belonging to your degree programme level, are available in several pots.

    4. To search for your preferred modules, click on 'View List' for a particular pot to reveal the search box. We recommend that you use this search box by typing in the module code and pressing enter. The module will appear below the box ready to be added.

    5. Once you find your chosen module, add it to the main module selection by clicking the 'Add' button. The module will appear in the 'Selected Modules' section. If you change your mind about the module, click on the bin icon to remove it and select an alternative.

    6. Once you are happy with your main selection of elective modules click the Submit Selections button. If the submission is correct/valid, you will proceed to the next screen where you will be asked to select reserve options.

    7. The reserve module screen displays your main selection of modules, and asks you to select some reserve options, in case we are unable to allocate you to your main modules. You must submit exactly the required number of reserve module credits from each pot in order to be able to complete your submission. Please select a good balance of modules from both Semesters, and choose modules from SLLF only.

    8. To search for the reserve modules you wish to select, start typing the module code in the search bar to narrow down the list, then click on the desired module to confirm the selection. Repeat the process for the next reserve module(s), then move on to the next pot until you complete all the pots.

    9. Once you have selected all the necessary reserve options, you have the option to finalise your selection of main and reserve modules by clicking the 'Submit' button. This will close the module registration task and you will no longer be able to make any changes until the selection is either approved or rejected.

    Alternatively, if you need to make a change to your main selection of modules, you can still return to the main selections screen at this point, but be aware that this will clear all your previous selections and you will need to start the process again.

    10. The confirmation screen of the completed submission will display your main module selection and your reserve choices.


    • Your core language modules (named in your language route, e.g. French and Spanish) will already be chosen for you. You will not be able to take ‘A’ or ‘B’ versions these modules (e.g. FRE5202A French II/FRE6202A French III or HSP5201A Spanish II/HSP6201A Spanish III) as these modules are the single semester versions of the modules you are already on, and only available to visiting Study Abroad students.
    • Please do not select these core modules again as either your main or reserve option, as you are already registered for them.
    • Do not select other levels of your core language module. For example, if your programme is  Spanish (post A-level), your core module is HSP5201 Spanish II. Do not select HSP5202 Spanish II Intensive or HSP5207 Spanish II N, as they are not at the appropriate level for your programme, and are intended for Spanish (Beginner) or Spanish (Native Speaker) programmes respectively.
    • First year students may see some Year Abroad modules in the pot containing level 5 modules from your language. Please ignore these modules, as they will not be relevant until your third year.

    • If a module exists under two or more different codes (for example COM5012 and HSP5012 for the Latin America: Key Concepts module), please select the code relevant to your language programme, not the COM-coded version.
    • If a module has two different levels (for example GER5027 and GER6027 for the German Narrative Fiction in Text and Film module), please select the code that is matches your current year of study.
    • Do not select a module you have already taken in a previous year, even if it has a different code.
    • The Research Project module is only available in your final year. For specific information about taking this module, please refer to the Research Project Information Section.


    • FLM5203 What Is Cinema? is a compulsory module for second year students, and is already pre-selected for you if you are a second year student. You will not be able to take ‘A’ or ‘B’ version this module (e.g. FLM5203A or FLM5203B) as these modules are the single semester versions of the modules you are already on, and only available to visiting Study Abroad students. Final year students have already this module and must not select it again. Please do not select FLM5203 or any version of it as your reserve choice.
    • Joint-honours Film students should pay attention to the pre-requisites for Film modules, as some of them require a practice-based module that you would not have taken in your previous years. If you do not meet the pre-requisites, please do not select that module and choose an alternative.
    • Joint honours students taking English and Film Studies, English and Film Studies with a Year Abroad, Film Studies and Drama, Film Studies and Drama with a Year Abroad or History and Film Studies, need to complete their module registration here [LINK TO FOLLOW], rather than on MySIS.
    • Do not select a module you have already taken in a previous year, even if it has a different code.
    • First year students may see some Year Abroad modules in the pot containing level 5 FLM-coded modules (i.e. FLM298 or FLM5298). Please ignore these modules, as they will not be relevant until your third year if you are on programme with a Year Abroad.


    • Second Year Students will only be able to submit module choices for 2024-25 via MySIS, once you have chosen and submitted you Major and Minor Themes choice and it has been updated in your MySIS record.
    • You are only able to choose modules from your chosen Major and Minor Themes and a 15 credit module from the Discovery list.
    • Modules available for selection within the Major/Minor Themes and Discovery list can be found in the Liberal Arts Module Directory (Link to follow).
    • Do not select the same module twice from the different lists available (e.g. do not choose the same module from the Major theme list and Discovery list or from the Minor theme list and Discovery list).
    • Do not select a module you have already chosen as a first choice module, as a reserve choice. If we are unable to place you onto your first choice module and are unable to use your reserve choices, the Programme Admin Team will place you on a module that meets your programme regulations and has space. You will be unable to make a module change request until September.
    • If you choose the Language and Culture Theme, please ensure that you choose the same language you studied in your first year but at the next level (e.g. If you studied beginners French, you would need to choose FRE5206 French II Intensive. If you studied Post A-Level French [French I], you would need to choose FRE5202 French II).
    • If you choose the Language and Culture Theme as a Major OR Minor, you will be required to go on a Year Abroad in your third year of study.


    • Some programmes ask you to select a certain number of credits from a very limited list of modules, so you may need to select a reserve module you have already chosen in that pot in order to be able to submit the selection. This will not disadvantage you in any way, as you will have plenty of opportunities to select reserve modules in the other pots.
    • The Linguistics Research project is only available to final year students who have previously taken LIN5202 Research Method in Linguistics.
    • First year students may see some Year Abroad modules in the pot containing level 5 LIN-coded modules (i.e. LIN298 or LIN5298). Please ignore these modules, as they will not be relevant until your third year if you are on programme with a Year Abroad.
    • Do not select a module you have already taken in a previous year, even if it has a different code.
    • Joint honours students taking either English Literature and Linguistics or English Literature and Linguistics with a Year Abroad should complete their module registration here (LINK TO FOLLOW).


    • The Comparative Literature Research project is only available to final year students who meet the pre-requisites. For specific information about taking this module, please refer to the Research Project Information Section.
    • First year students may see some Year Abroad modules in the pot containing level 5 COM-coded modules (i.e. COM298 or COM5298). Please ignore these modules, as they will not be relevant until your third year if you are on programme with a Year Abroad.
    • Do not select a module you have already taken in a previous year, even if it has a different code. 


    Students outside of SLLF should follow their home School’s module registration process and meet their deadlines.

    Module Registration 2024-25

    • If you wish to take a module by SLLF you will either need to submit your request in MySIS (if your home School uses MySIS for Module Registration) or complete our online module registration form for students not from SLLF.
    • You can access a list of Modules that we are planning to offer in 2024-25 here:
    • The SLLF Programme Admin Team will then consider your request once we have completed module registration for SLLF students.
    • You will have until Tuesday 23rd April 2024 to submit your module requests to us.

    We aim to process Module Requests for 2024-25 around the beginning of May 2024 and will contact you directly regarding the outcome of your request.

    Once your module(s) have been confirmed, you will need to inform your home department.

    If you are interested in taking a language module, please see the Module Directory List for our selection of credit-bearing modules offered by the Language Centre. These are modules that start with LAN.

    Further information to read regarding module registration if you are external to SLLF:

  • Study Abroad and visiting students

    Study Abroad and Visiting Students can access information about modules offered by the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film on the SLLF webpage. We have packages of modules that we have designed for you to get the most of the your time at Queen Mary, you can read about these suites of modules on the SLLF website.

    Module Outlines are available in the 'SLLF UG Students' tab or links to the subject area folders can be found below.

    Before beginning the module registration process, we strongly encourage that you read the SLLF Study Abroad and Visiting Module Registration Special Instructions.

    A list of modules available for you to choose from can be found on the SLLF Module Directory and Availability List. The list also has links to the Syllabi (where available) or a link to the main QMUL Module Directory, where you can look up the module to see the module description.

    Any questions regarding SLLF modules and module registration, please contact the SLLF Programme Admin Team (Email:

  • Module Registration Instructions for Study Abroad and visiting students

  • Study Abroad and Visiting Students Module Directory and Availability List 2024-25

  • SLLF Module Outlines/Syllabi