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Hints and tips (click "Save Settings" to view results):
  • The basic default search is based on titles; simply enter a word or topic which interests you in the "Search" box.
  • Checking the "Advanced Search" box displays further search fields. In particular, to find projects appropriate to your programme, type "BSc", "MSci", or "MSc" in the "Level:" field.
  • You can change the sorting of the displayed list using the drop-down menus.
  • Click on the title of a project to see more details.
Level: Title: Supervisor: Research Area:
BSc, MSci, MSc A statistical analysis of GP prescription data Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
BSc, MSci, MSc A toy model of network dynamics for a constrained power system Complex Systems and Networks
MSci Algebraic geometry codes Algebra
TBC Algorithmics Algebra
BSc, MSci, MSc Amenable groups Geometry and Analysis
MSci, MSc Analysis of time series of network properties Complex Systems and Networks
MSci, MSc Analytic aspects of modular forms Algebra
BSc, MSci, MSc Applications of harmonic analysis to nonlinear partial differential equations Geometry and Analysis
MSc Bayesian inference for circular data Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]
BSc, MSci, MSc Birkhoff's curve shortening process and closed geodesics Geometry and Analysis