Hints and tips:
  • You may need to look up some unfamiliar terms in the title or description to get more of a sense of what is involved.
  • If the project has "No" in the "Current Availability:" field, it is already taken or not being offered this academic year but may be available again in future years.
  • The supervisor name links to a contact details webpage so, if you are interested, you can arrange to discuss this project or even propose a related topic of your own.
Level: BSc, MSci, MSc
Title: A statistical analysis of GP prescription data
Research Area: Probability and Applications [Including Statistics]

In 2011, under an agenda of transparency and open data, a vast amount of healthcare data has been made available to the public via the NHS Digital website. In this project, the student will analyse the data on the number of GP prescriptions across the country. The analysis could focus on a particular group of medicines such as antibiotics, antidepressants or pain-relief medicines, and would investigate whether there is variation in GP prescriptions across years and across regions of the UK. If a variation is found, the project would investigate what factors contribute to this variation, using appropriate regression models. Given the discrete nature of the response variable, this project could involve the use of generalised linear models with discrete response and multi-level models.

Further Reading:
Key Modules:
Other Information:

Programming skills are a prerequisite for this project, as well as willingness to learn to use the statistical software R. Prior knowledge of R is not a prerequisite.

Current Availability: Yes