The Quiz is a powerful activity that can meet many teaching needs, from simple, multiple-choice knowledge tests to complex, self-assessment tasks with detailed feedback.
QMplus quizzes
Table of contents
1. What is the Quiz activity? [edit]
2. Adding similarity check to essay style quiz questions [edit]
3. Embedding a question on your QMplus page [edit]
3.1. Find out how to embed a question on your QMplus page.
4. Detailed instructions on how to create & manage a Quiz in QMplus [edit]
5. An overview of quiz question types [edit]
6. Defining how quiz questions behave [edit]
7. Importing quiz questions from Microsoft Word - a simple method [edit]
8. Moving quiz questions from one course to another using export [edit]
9. Moving quiz questions from one course to another using import [edit]
10. Randomising questions from question banks in quizzes [edit]
11. Using the user and group overrides on quizzes [edit]
12. Question type - drag and drop into text [edit]
13. Question type - embedded answer (Cloze) [edit]
What is the Quiz activity? [edit]
The Quiz is a very powerful activity that can meet many teaching needs, from simple, multiple-choice knowledge tests to complex, self-assessment tasks with detailed feedback. Questions are created and stored separately in a Question bank and can be reused in different quizzes. When creating a Quiz you can either make the questions first and add them to the Quiz, or add a Quiz activity and create the questions as you go along.
Read the Moodle doc on the Quiz activity for more details.
Adding similarity check to essay style quiz questions [edit]
When Turnitin is added to a QMplus Quiz, Turnitin will generate a Similarity Report for every answer to a Essay style question. Each essay question is its own submission and students will match if they use the same answer for each question.
Find out how to add similarity checking to a QMplus Quiz.
Embedding a question on your QMplus page [edit]
Rather than only being able to use quiz questions within a quiz, it is possible to embed quiz questions for formative assessment wherever you wish in a QMplus resource or activity. You can embed as many questions as you like using this method (however if you do embed lots of questions you might be better off using a quiz instead!) and you can even embed a random question chosen from a particular category.
Find out how to embed a question on your QMplus page.
Detailed instructions on how to create & manage a Quiz in QMplus [edit]
An overview of quiz question types [edit]
In this guide you'll find out about the standard quiz question types that are available in QMplus.
Learn about Question types.
Defining how quiz questions behave [edit]
You can define how your quiz behaves based on the settings you apply, for example, you may require students to enter an answer to each question and then submit the entire quiz, before anything is graded or they get any feedback.
Find out about QMplus question behaviour.
Importing quiz questions from Microsoft Word - a simple method [edit]
You can import all question types (except calculated) from structured tables in Microsoft Word files. Creating, editing and managing large numbers of questions is much easier in an external Word file than maintaining them one at a time inside Moodle.
Find out about how this tools work on the Word table format page and learn how to import questions for an existing file.
Moving quiz questions from one course to another using export [edit]
Questions may be exported from the Quiz module and the Question bank in any one of 4 formats:
Find out how to export quiz questions.Moving quiz questions from one course to another using import [edit]
Moodle has a number of different formats that can be used to import questions into Question Bank categories and as lesson question pages. These include some proprietary quiz software formats, as well as text files and Moodle formats. Find out how to import quiz questions.
Randomising questions from question banks in quizzes [edit]
The order in which questions appear to the student may be randomised or 'shuffled'.
Find out how you can apply this setting to your quizzes.
Using the user and group overrides on quizzes [edit]
Dates, timing and number of allowed attempts may be changed for individual users or groups in QMplus.
Find out more about group and user overrides in QMplus.
Question type - drag and drop into text [edit]
You can create a drag and drop question type in QMplus where missing words have to be dragged into gaps in a paragraph of text.
Learn how to create a drag and drop question type.
Question type - embedded answer (Cloze) [edit]
Embedded answers (Cloze) questions consist of a passage of text (in Moodle format) that has various answers embedded within it, including multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers.
Learn how to use embedded answer (Cloze) question type.
Sharing questions via Categories [edit]
A question category can contain individual questions or other question categories. They can be found by using the Question bank or when building a quiz.
Find out more about question categories and how you can use them.
Useful Resources [edit]
Quiz activity (Moodle doc)
Question bank (Moodle doc)
Adding similarity check to a QMplus Quiz (Turnitin guide)
Building Quizzes (Moodle doc)
Question types (Moodle doc)
Quiz question behaviour (Moodle doc)
Importing questions from an existing file (Moodle doc)
Microsoft Word table format for importing quiz questions (Moodle doc)
Importing quiz questions (Moodle doc)
Export quiz questions (Moodle doc)
Randomising the order questions appear (Moodle doc)
Groups and user overrides (Moodle doc)
Embedded answer (cloze) question type (Moodle doc)
Question categories (Moodle doc)