Email and Message

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QMplus provides numerous ways for you to send messages to your students, including emails. This guide covers four ways for you to get in touch with your students through QMplus.

Module Announcements [edit]

One great option for messaging students is using the Module Announcements which we have covered within a separate section of our TELT guidance material. For further information please have a look here: Announcements | MyQMUL

Quick Mail Block [edit]

Quickmail allows teaching staff to send a message to individual students, a selection of students, or to specific groups that may have been created within the course eg. Seminar group A. It adds a link to a tool that has a check box list of all students in the course, and a mail composition text area – staff (or students, if permitted) can select who they want to send the message to from the list. 

You can learn more about this tool by reading are in-depth and specialist guidance: Quick Mail | MyQMUL

 Contacting Students Using The Enrolments Section [edit]

See below steps to send messages to students via the enrolments of a module. 
1. Click on Participants in the navigation bar.

The participants tab in QMplus

2. Select enrolled users from the drop down menu.

The drop down menu in participants with enrolled in a circle and enrolled users

3- You will now see a list of the enrolled participants. To view a list of your students, use the filter option at the top of the screen. 

Filter users by students under enrolled users

4- You can either select individual students by clicking the tick boxes next to each name or if you want to contact all your students then, at the top left of the list, tick the unchecked box.

Example of participants in a module

5- Once you have selected the student/s you wish to message, scroll to the bottom of the page and open the menu entitled ‘With selected users…’.

6-  To email your students, select ‘Send a message’. Alternatively you can click on ‘Add a note’ that will appear on the students’ screen the next time they access QMplus.

The drop down menu for with selected users is open and send a message is selected

The Messaging Interface [edit]

Please see below further information on how to use messaging in QMplus.
Various features and elements of messaging are highlighted with numbers.

  1. Click the Message icon to toggle in or toggle out of the messaging window
  2. Click the Gear icon to personalise your messaging preferences (e.g who can message you and your notification preferences).
  3. Group conversations – Groups that have ‘group messaging’ enabled will appear in the Group drawer.
  4. Private conversations can be found here.
  5. The search box can be used to search discussion.

To turn on ‘Group messaging’ for a group, select participants followed by groups in the drop-down menu.

Participants highlighted in the navigation bar followed by groups

You can then click on the group you wish to edit and click on ‘Edit group settings’. 

A group has been selected and edit group settings is highlighted.

On the next page, change ‘Group message’ to ‘Yes’.

On the next page, change ‘Group message’ to ‘Yes’.

Open a discussion for more settings. There is a mute/unmute option in group and private  conversations and if a conversation is muted, email notifications will not be received. For conversations that are not muted, a digest email will be sent.

An open discussion with the settings menu open and mute / unmute highlighted

In the Starred messaging section, there is a new personal messaging space for to-do lists, draft messages or reminders.

Starred area with Personal Space for draft messages etc

Select the ‘See all’ button at the bottom of the messaging interface to navigate to the full messaging page where, from July upgrade, there is an improved two column layout. 

See all button is highlighted

Useful resources

  1. Announcements | MyQMUL
  2. Quick Mail | MyQMUL