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Victorian Voices

Level 7 (30 credits)

This module introduces students to a range of Victorian authorial voices, which represent most of the key literary genres and span this long, historically transformative, and diverse period. Students will be encouraged to make connections between individual authors and topics; the module invites us to think about the way different perceptions and perspectives from the same cultural moment echo and challenge one another, often in surprising and unexpected ways. Drawing on a wide range of canonical and non-canonical poetry and prose by male and female Victorian authors, students will gain a very strong understanding of British literature from the 1830s to 1900, developing skills that will become useful for later postgraduate research, including the dissertation.

Preparing for this module and approximate costs:

Programme MA English Literature
Learning Context Long Seminar
Semester Semester 1

1. Written Exercise (1000 words) (Pass/Fail) 0%

2. Essay (4000 words) 100%


School of English and Drama, Queen Mary University of London

Last updated on 31 May 2023 by Dylan Gambrill
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