
Writing From Research

Level 7 (30 credits)

This module offers students a range of approaches to the application of research in creative practice, including speculative research as a prompt to creative practice; psychogeographic exploration; direct observation of procedure and expertise; reflective journals examining personal experience; and historical and cultural investigation to inform questions of style, form, structure and subject. Students will receive practical training in the use of archival and library resources, and in techniques of sourcing and recording real-world research, and seminars will examine key ethical questions around eliciting and gathering material, including critical exploration of current cultural debates concerning authenticity and appropriation.

Preparing for this module and approximate costs:

This module requires no advance preparation. Details of any assigned texts will be available by Week 1.

Assigned texts will cost around £30-£40 in total if purchased new.

Learning Context Long Seminar
Semester Semester 1

1. Research Report (1000 words) 20%

2. Portfolio (3500 words) 80%


School of English and Drama, Queen Mary University of London

Last updated on 15 Sept 2024 by Richard Coulton
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