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Collaborative Practices

Level 7 (30 credits)

This module invites you to consider collaborative practices as integral to creative and critical writing. Countering notions of writing as solitary pursuit, or individualistic, competitive enterprise within a literary marketplace, the materials and activities on this module will demonstrate how collaboration can enable, support, and expand writers' research and practice. Collaboration will be understood in a variety of contexts, including conversation, improvisation, co-writing, cross-genre and interdisciplinary composition, DIY publishing, and event organisation. You will read, view, and listen to a range of texts and artworks produced collaboratively; you will be introduced to and asked to invent processes for making work with others; you will be encouraged to reflect on the aesthetic, intellectual, and political challenges that emerge in these collaborative processes.
While collaboration is key to this module, it's recognized that students' abilities and interests differ: an initial stage of allotting roles and responsibilities will address this, and the nature of individual students' contributions to group work may differ.

Preparing for this module and approximate costs:

Programme MA Creative Writing
Learning Context Long Seminar
Semester Semester 2

1. Collective Writing (1000 words) 20%

2. Independent Writing (1000 words) 20%

3. Group Project (3000 words) 50%

4. Participation 10%


School of English and Drama, Queen Mary University of London

Last updated on 31 May 2023 by Dylan Gambrill
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