
Queer Now

Level 7 (30 credits)

This module will offer an opportunity to study key thinkers and debates in the field of queer theory, while also exploring how sexuality is narrated in contemporary literature. The module will be grounded in a mix of theoretical texts and contemporary literature. Throughout, we will consider the relationship between reading, cultural objects, and queerness, asking: What is 'queer' about queer theory? How is queerness narrated in contemporary literature? How do LGBTQ writers experiment with form in relation to sexuality? This module offers an opportunity to engage in debates central to queer theory, while also develop skills in literary analysis of contemporary narratives of sexuality.

Preparing for this module and approximate costs:

There is no required advance preparation for this module.

If you are new to queer theory, you might read some of the following as optional preparation:

Barker, Meg-John and Julia Scheele, Queer: A Graphic History (London: Icon Books, 2016)

Ferguson, Roderick A., Aberrations in Black: Toward a Queer of Color Critique (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2004)

Jagose, Annamarie, Queer Theory: An Introduction, (New York: NYU Press, 1997)

Somerville, Siobhan B., The Cambridge Companion to Queer Studies (Cambridge UP, 2020)

Stryker, Susan and Stephen Whittle (eds.), The Transgender Studies Reader (2006)

Approximate Costs:

The required primary texts will cost between £30-£50 if purchased new. Note that this cost can often be reduced by purchasing items second-hand or borrowing them from the Library.

Learning Context Long Seminar
Semester Semester 1

1. Research Essay (4000 words) 100%


School of English and Drama, Queen Mary University of London

Last updated on 19 July 2024 by Richard Coulton
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