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International Romanticism

Level 7 (30 credits)

The artistic energies and intellectual currents of the Romantic movement crossed national boundaries and reflected the political and social upheavals of an increasingly globalised world in an age of revolution. This module examines key works of British and European Romanticism and investigates the cultural mechanisms through which Romantic ideas and literary practices were transmitted from one country to another. Diverse strands in British 'Four Nations' Romanticism, including work by Coleridge, Byron, Edgeworth and Carlyle, are analysed alongside Continental texts in translation including Rousseau's Confessions, Goethe's Faust, Stael's Corinne, and Leopardi's Zibaldone. Themes to be explored include the pan-European Ossian phenomenon, the reception of Kant's Critical philosophy, the role of literary periodicals, and the 'natural supernaturalism' of the American Transcendentalists.

Preparing for this module and approximate costs:

The longer texts for this module will include the following. In the case of translated texts it is important to obtain the particular edition recommended. Reading some of these would be excellent preparation.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther, trans. David Constantine (Oxford World's Classics 2012). (Ebook available via QM Library)

Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey (1768). Recommended edition: ed. Paul Goring, Penguin 2005.

Germaine de Stael, Corinne; or, Italy (1809), trans. Sylvia Raphael (Oxford World's Classics 2009)

Jane Austen, Persuasion (1818). Suggested edition: ed. Gillian Beer, Penguin 2015.

Possible purchases of the set texts listed above, not exceeding £30.

Programme MA English Literature
Learning Context Long Seminar
Semester Semester 1

1. Final Essay (4000 words) 100%


School of English and Drama, Queen Mary University of London

Last updated on 2 Aug 2023 by Dylan Gambrill
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