Using Module announcements


Unlike a ‘forum’ which allows for a dialogue between staff and students and students and students, ‘Module announcements’ allows staff to post information to students but does not allow students to respond.

To post a message:

1. At the top of your module page click on Module announcement 

2. Click on ‘Add a Discussion topic’.

Add Discussion Topic buttom

3. Give your post a ‘Subject’ and ‘Message’.

Please note Clicking on advanced options offers you additional choices

Three options are available Post to Forum, Cancel and Advanced

4. You can attach a Word document, PowerPoint or other file. To do so click the ‘Advanced’ button.

5. By default there is a 30 minute delay before the message is sent, this allows time to edit the message. To remove the 30 minute delay, so your message is sent immediately, tick the ‘Send forum post notifications with no editing-time delay’ box.
6. You can pin a discussion so it appears at the top of a discussion board

7. Choose if you want the post to become visible at a set time / date and when it should be removed. 

8. You can enter a range of tags too.