Finding Your Announcements forum


Example of an Announcement Icon on a QMplus site.

The Announcements forum can generally be found towards the top of a QMplus module page. It is usually called “Announcements” but it may have been renamed.

  The ellipses symbol next to the announcement is selected revealing options in a drop-down menu. Edit settings is selected

You can check whether a forum is an Announcements forum by looking in the forum settings. With editing turned on, select Edit settings from the edit menu beside the forum.


Forum type in settings indicates Announcements

In the general settings section, you will find the forum type.

Note: If you cannot find the Announcements forum in your QMplus area, you will need to re-instate it. You cannot do this by adding a new forum. You will have to follow the steps in this guide Add The Latest announcements Block | MyQMUL