Copy course or Duplicating a course

If your course area is still in use by this academic year’s students, but you need to prepare the course area for next year’s students, then it is best to duplicate the course area & rename the new one so that the original QMplus area’s assignments, forums and student interaction are not wiped.

The new course’s name will need to have next year's year appended to it (e.g. 2024-25), as well as the ‘short name’ and ‘course ID code’ – this can all be done by users who have the Course Administrator role. The course’s assignments will require their submission dates, end dates & cut off dates updating to ensure that the students can access them. Similar settings for quizzes and any other activities will also need to be amended.

If ALL student interaction with a module is complete, with all resits and assignments having taken place, then the course can be ‘rolled over’ – BUT… remember that once you have completed a rollover, it cannot be un-done.