Top Ten Teaching Tips in MS Teams

[1 Set and communicate initial guidelines when teaching online 

Decide and communicate with students whether the MS Teams session will be recorded and how access to the recording will be shared whether open to participants only or to a wider audience

Use MS Teams Polls to generate interaction to quick questions

[4 Share Powerpoint slides in MS Teams marker and pointer tools to interact with your slides


Update settings to either allow or not allow students to navigate themselves 

Toggle the "Private View" button to adjust free flow navigation through your presentation

 Remember to share 'audio' if the content has sound

Use the MS Teams whiteboard feature to facilitate collaboration and continued discussions


Using Breakout rooms and managing theseunderstanding the different roles

Integrating MS Teams and Scientia timetabling

Managing students and understanding security settings - how to remove participants, or hold them in a waiting room (QM community have automatic access to MS Teams sessions by default)