Getting Started with QMplus Hub (Mahara)

What is QMplus Hub? [edit]

QMplus Hub (powered by Mahara) is an online groups and portfolios section of QMplus.

Every student and tutor has their own ‘Hub’ area. This area is divided into three main areas of functionality.

  1. An area where content can be added and/or created –  you can upload files, create an online journal, record professional development etc.
  2. An Electronic portfolio or ‘e-Portfolio’ aspect where you can take the content you have uploaded and present views of it on webpages. These might be for personal or research purposes, job applications or may be part of assessed work in your modules. One key element is that the person who created the web pages chooses with whom it is shared.
  3. A facility to set-up groups perhaps similar to a campus based ‘Facebook’ – which enables members to work together, share files and communicate in private.

How to access QMplus Hub [edit]

  1. Login to QMplus using your standard college Username and Password. This is the same username and password you use to access your college email.

  2. Navigate to your name and click on the drop down found on the top right hand side of the page. From the drop down select QMplus Hub.

  3. This will automatically take you to the QMplus Hub dashboard. (Note: you cannot access QMplus Hub directly).

    QMplus Hub dashboard screenshot


Staff Development Sessions / TELT Workshops [edit]

If you would like to attend a training session for QMplus Hub, please visit the relevant page on QMUL's Continuous Professional Development (CPD) site: Course: QMplus Hub - Workshops and Resources ( If there are no sessions scheduled, you can register your interest and we'll contact you when a session becomes available.

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