The sharing cart

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Enabling the sharing cart [edit]

The sharing cart is a QMplus block. Once you have added it to a page, it becomes your sharing cart and you will see it on every page where you have editing access. Students and other staff members will not be able to see your personal sharing cart.

To add the block, turn Edit mode on, using the toggle button in the top right of the screen.

 An image of the Edit mode button

Next, click on the 'Add a block' option in the top of the right panel that displays in the block drawer. You may need to open the block drawer using the left pounding arrow in the top right of the page.

An image of the block drawer

An image of the Add a block button

 Scroll down and select ‘Sharing Cart’ from the pop up menu.

An image of the Sharing cart option in the menu

Once you have selected the block, it will appear on the right hand side of the page in the block drawer. You may need to scroll down to find it.

An image of the sharing cart block on your page


Putting items into your cart [edit]

Remember to turn editing ON!

Once you have enabled the sharing cart block, you will find that individual items and whole sections in your QMplus area have a Shopping Basket icon. To copy the item into your cart, click this icon.

An  image of the copy button

You will see the item (labelled as '1') appear in your sharing cart block.

An image of the sharing cart with items in it

If you have copied a whole topic (labelled as '2'), this will appear as a folder in your sharing cart. You can click on the folder to see the contents. You can also copy a whole topic by selecting it in the drop down menu (labelled as '3') in the sharing cart block and clicking on the Copy section button.

Depending on the type of item you are copying you may be asked whether you wish to copy user data. For example, if you have used a glossary activity to allow students to build a shared resource, you can choose to copy that activity, along with all the entries, into another QMplus area where it can continue to be built on.

Putting an item in your sharing cart creates a copy of the item. If you change the original item in the QMplus area, those changes will not be reflected in the item in your sharing cart.

Copying items out of your cart [edit]

To copy items from your cart into another QMplus area, navigate to the appropriate area and turn editing on as explained previously. You will see the sharing cart block with all of your content in it. Click on the copy icon next to the item in your cart which you wish to copy.

An image of the copy buttons

You will see some rectangles with dotted lines appearing in various places in your QMplus area. These indicate where you can put your copied item.

An image showing the area you can copy the files to

Click on the place you wish to copy the item to. It is only possible to place the item at the end of a topic, if you don’t want it there, you will have to move it after copying it.

If you have chosen to copy a whole topic, you will be asked what name you want to use for the topic. If you want to copy individual items from a topic instead of the whole topic, click the folder to open it and then select the copy icon next to the item you want to copy.

An image of the option to choose different items from a folder

Cancelling a copy

If you’ve clicked the copy icon but then decide you don’t want to complete the copy process, you can cancel it by using the icon that you will find at the top of the course page.

An image of the cancel button

Deleting items from your cart [edit]

When you have finished copying your content from one place to another, we recommend that you delete the items from your cart completely. Your sharing cart takes up storage space and we may run into difficulty if multiple users are storing large amounts of data in their cart.

You can delete individual items by clicking the trash can icon next to them.

An image of the delete icon

Clicking the trash can icon next to a whole folder will delete all the items in that folder! You can open the folder and delete individual items from it.

Bulk deleting

  You can also bulk delete items from your sharing cart by clicking on the cog icon and selecting the Bulk delete option.

An image of the settings cog and bulk delete button

Note that selecting Delete sharing cart block will delete the block itself from your QMplus area but it will not delete the contents of the block. If you put the block back again, the contents will still be there.

You can then select the items you want to delete…or choose to delete everything.

An image of the items selected

Organising your cart [edit]

There are a couple of features which allow you to organise your sharing cart:

  • You can re-order items in the list
  • You can put items into folders

Clicking the vertical arrow, the Move icon allows you to move an item to a different position in the list of items.

An image of the icon to re order you items

  1. You can then click where you wish to move the item to by selecting the 'Click to move here' rectangle of your choice
  2. If you want to cancel the move, you can click on the cancel icon to the right of the item you are moving.

  3. You can also create a simple folder structure and place items into the folders. Click on the right pointing arrow next to the item you wish to put into a folder.

An image of the icons you can use to organise your sharing cart

  1. Click on the drop-down list to move the item to an existing folder.
  2. Or type into the text box to create a new folder.

An image of the folder options

Things to keep in mind [edit]

Some things that are worth bearing in mind when using the sharing cart:

  • You can’t share your sharing cart – The sharing cart is a personal area. Users cannot see the contents of each other’s sharing carts.
  • You can’t stop other teachers from copying content – If someone has teacher or course administrator access to your QMplus area, they can copy any items from that area into their own sharing cart
  • It creates copies of items – When you put something into your cart, you create a copy of it. There is no link between the original and the copy.
    If you update the original, the changes are not reflected in the copy. Similarly, when you transfer something out of your cart, you create a copy. This does also mean that deleting copies has no effect on the originals, i.e. deleting something from your cart will not delete the item anywhere else. So don’t be afraid of emptying your cart!
  • The cart is meant as a temporary storage area while you move things from place to place. We recommend that you empty your cart when you are finished as this may lead to issues if multiple users are storing large amounts long term in their cart.
  • Copying large numbers of items can take time – If you choose to copy whole topics with lots of content, the process of copying things in and out of your cart may take some time. Be patient until the process completes.

An important note about H5P/Interactive Content [edit]

The sharing cart does not work with the H5P/Interactive Content activity. If you try to use it to copy this content, you will find that the copy process never completes. If you want to copy a whole topic which has H5P content in it, we recommend you move it out of the topic before copying the topic into your sharing cart and then move it back in to the topic afterwards.

If you need to copy an H5P/Interactive Content activity from one QMplus area to another, we recommend that you use the import/export function within the activity itself.

See this guide on Creating interactive activities with H5P for more information.