QMplus courses

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QMplus is made up of course pages. Typically, each module at QMUL has its own QMplus course page.  

Course Creation [edit]

You must have QMplus Administrator access (or super admin) in order to create QMplus courses.

QMplus course pages are normally created by QMplus school contacts or by raising a ticket via the ITS Service Desk.

Most course pages follow a school template, so it is important that you first check if your school has a specific template that you should follow before you embark on creating your course page. You can create the course page based on the school template by using the QMplus 'course creation wizard'.

The course creation wizard allows you to create a course:

  1. From a template
  2. From another course
  3. As a blank course (with no template)

Using the Course Creation Wizard [edit]

The ‘Course Creation Wizard’ allows QMplus administrators to be able to easily create new QMplus courses using their school’s template or using another course that they have access to.

You will need the following information:

  • Course full name (shortcode followed by title and year, e.g. GEG4205 – Environment, Nature & Society -2020/21)
  • Course shortname (shortcode followed by year, e.g. GEG4205 -2020/21)
  • Course ID (shortcode followed by semester ref and year, e.g. GEG4205-A21) – you can get this from SITS. Double check the Semester for this course area, it may be that it is only for Semester B and you will have to add the code e.g. GEG4205-B21.
  • Course category (school/department/faculty, e.g. HSS, Geography)

To use the course creation wizard, QMplus administrators should navigate to their school or departments category pages on QMplus. This can be done by clicking on ‘All Modules ‘ from the QMplus header at the top of the page.

  • Once you have located the school category, click on the ‘Course Creation Wizard‘ link located in the drop-down ‘Actions menu’ from the gear icon.Showing the course creation wizard link in QMplus
  • Administrators will then be presented with 3 options to create a new course:
    1. Blank course
    2. From school template
    3. From previous course
  • Select ‘From school template’, administrators can choose from the drop-down menu the appropriate template for their School/Department.

(For the current standard QMplus template, please select the MT300 template as highlighted below,  You may need to raise a ticket if you find that you do not have access to the template).

Showing the options to choose a template in the drop down menu

  • Click ‘Create Course‘ button
  • Follow the steps, and click ‘Next‘ when presented
  • The process begins by automatically making a backup of the template, and then creating your new course area with the template.
  • Give your new course a name (full and short) and select the category where the course should appear.
  • Click the ‘Create Course‘ button
  • The new course will be created and ready for you to use. Remember to enrol teachers and students onto your new course area! Please note: by default this course will be visible to students upon creation.

Please note: you may want to hide your course area from students while you make changes and populate the content. You can do this by going to ‘Edit Settings’ and changing the course visibility to ‘hide’ then scroll down and click ‘save and display’. Don’t forget to show the course when you are finished!

Course backup [edit]

A course can be saved with some or all of its parts by using the course backup. A teacher can create a backup or download an existing backup for safe keeping, or for use on another Moodle site. 

More information: Course backup (Moodle doc)

Restoring a course backup [edit]

A course backup file (.mbz) may be restored from within any existing course for which you have permission. During the restore process, you will be given the option to restore as a new course or into an existing course.

More information about restoring a course (Moodle doc)

Deleting a course [edit]

Deleting a course is easy to do, but please ensure that this is what you want to do, as we cannot easily restore a course that has been deleted unless you have a backup file. For this reason, deleting a course is only possible if you have QMplus administrative access (super admins).

1. Log into QMplus.

2. Click on ‘All Modules’ from the QMplus header at the top of the page.

Showing All Modules button

3. Click on the category which your department belongs to.

Showing the category list

4. Click on the School which you have administrator access to, e.g. School of Business and Management.

Showing a list of the schools

5. Click on the ‘Manage this category’ link located in the drop-down ‘Actions menu’ from the gear icon.

Showing the Manage this category button

6.  Expand the subcategories to find the one you require by clicking on the plus icons on the left.

Showing the sub categories

7.  Clicking on the name of the subcategory you require will reveal the list of courses in the pane on the right side of the page. Find your preferred course and click on the delete icon to delete.

showing the delete icon


Useful Resources [edit]

  1. Restoring a course (Moodle doc)
  2. Course backup (Moodle doc)

Backup, Restore or Delete a course