Channel 4: Dispatches tonight - Where Has Your Aid Money Gone?

Channel 4: Dispatches tonight - Where Has Your Aid Money Gone?

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Saw this advertised tonight and it looks very interesting!

Where Has Your Aid Money Gone?

Public spending is being slashed across the board. But the Department for International Development, which doles out Britain's overseas aid, is set to enjoy substantial year-on-year increases to £11bn by 2015.

Jonathan Miller travels to Rwanda - the jewel in the crown of British overseas aid - to investigate what British taxes have paid for, and to ask what our government has achieved with the influence our aid supposedly buys us.

David Cameron personally backs increasing British aid to Rwanda to nearly £100m a year by 2015. He's called it 'a role model for development and lifting people out of poverty in Africa'.

The Conservatives have a particularly close relationship with the architect of Rwanda's success, President Paul Kagame.

But Dispatches has found that, far from creating a beacon of democracy, Kagame has established a repressive regime with a worrying disregard for human rights.

Dispatches asks if British aid to Rwanda is truly helping the poor, or helping to create Africa's next tyrant?