PASS mentoring session today at 12pm in Bancroft G.07! Mentoring led by 2nd and 3rd SBBS students!

PASS mentoring session today at 12pm in Bancroft G.07! Mentoring led by 2nd and 3rd SBBS students!

by Fathea Khanum -
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Morning All First Years, 

Todays PASS session will be taking place from 12pm - 1pm in Bancroft G.07

Come along for bespoke advice and guidance on your studies from 2nd and 3rd years that have walked in your shoes! Whether its questions on particular lecture content, conducting research, essay writing, or a particular piece of coursework, SBBS PASS mentors are at hand to share their knowledge and experience to empower and compliment your learning. 

We look forward to seeing you later today,