Understanding the use of social media in the daily lives of young autistic people.

Understanding the use of social media in the daily lives of young autistic people.

by Thu Huong Hoang-Wilson -
Number of replies: 0

Title of the study: Understanding the use of social media in the daily lives of young autistic people.

Aim: To explore how young autistic people use social media to interact with others on the topic of their focused interests

Who can take part? Young people 16-26 years old. People under 18 will need their parent’s consent. Please note: we particularly welcome participation from non-speaking or non-verbal people as well as individuals from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups as they are currently under-represented in autism research. (So please share widely even if you cannot participate yourself!)


What taking part involves: This is an online survey that you will complete via a link to an online platform. After reading the online information about the study and signing the consent form , we ask you to complete some questions about your use of social media platforms, your interests, and how you feel about interacting with others on social media on the topic of your interest.


Survey link https://qmulbusiness.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4SDZuBAW5QHHKHc


Compensation: there is no direct compensation but survey respondents will be entered into a draw. The winner will receive £50 of book tokens.


This project has been developed with young autistic people and will result in free public report on anonymised data. For more information about the project please visit https://autisminaffinityspaces.org/

Contact: If you have any questions about the study, please contact Jess Aiston j.aiston@qmul.ac.uk