Contemporary Issues in Global Health - oral presentation

Contemporary Issues in Global Health - oral presentation

by Andrew Harmer -
Number of replies: 0

Hi everyone,

As you prepare for your oral presentations next week, please can we make you aware of a couple of important points. As this is an assessment, we want to ensure that all students are treated fairly, and that you all have the best opportunity to do well. 

As it is an oral presentation, we understand that some of you may feel anxious about presenting. This is completely normal, and the more practice you get, the less anxious you will feel in future presentations.

In order to help us to assess your presentation skills, we do expect all presenters to have their cameras switched on during their presentations. To help you with that, we suggest you organise within your group a practice run before Thursday, just to get a feel for how and when you will speak. This should help alleviate any anxiety you may be feeling. 

Please do make sure that you are presenting from a quiet and comfortable work space with as good an internet connection as you can manage. In the event of poor internet connectivity, we may have to suspend the presentation and reschedule. 

Finally, please make sure that you send Dami your slides at least one day before the presentation (i.e. on Wednesday at the latest).

Best wishes and good luck!

Andrew and Dami