Recommended reading book

Recommended reading book

by Hau Tak Daniel Lam -
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Dear all students,

I would like to recommend a reading book to you all titled as " The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World" by Sir Michael Marmot. This book analyses and investigates the underlying causes of health inequalities that are occurring around the globe. Referencing his own work on the social determinants of health and studies on epidemiology to give his insights on how to solve this issue and give examples on why some countries are tackling health inequality better than others. 

If you want to know how differences in income, education level, working conditions and psycho-social factors may influence on your health,  or if you are passionate in improving the society's quality of life, this book is a must ! 

Kind regards,

Lam Hau Tak Daniel

Biomedical Sciences Year 3

SBCS Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) Student Organiser 2018-2019