Resources from all the revision sessions!

Resources from all the revision sessions!

by . Hira Javaid -
Number of replies: 0

Hey everyone,

Finally, here are the slides and recordings from the revision sessions we held!! Apologies for the delay! Some slides are attached with the email and some linked below because they were too big to attach here. We were unable to do revision sessions for all the courses as SBCS is quite a huge school and we didn't have mentors from every course. However, if you have any modules that overlap with other courses, it might be worthwhile to have a look at the slides to see if you can take any of the advice shared.

Some of you have asked about becoming mentors for next year. I will send out the application form (it's very simple don't worry) in the summer so keep your eyes peeled. We will also be recruiting another PASS organizer since this is my last year (so sad). As always, if you'd like to leave any feedback on this year's scheme or suggestions for next year you can do so anonymously here:


Biomed first year: recording!AgEDiuyDXunvjGj7KjeVWngJr8E1 (slides attached)

Biomed second year: Q-review style recording slides:!ArpOK3c7GRwxgfJ-03NwTplX5ge6kQ

Biochemistry first year: recording slides!ArpOK3c7GRwxgfJ9DTeeWhw7e2zx5w

Biochemistry second year: no audio available, slides attached below

Chemistry first year: recording!ArpOK3c7GRwxgfJ803-ChLo2WF2UNQ slides!ArpOK3c7GRwxgfJ_98NpiDzVvwSaCw

Medical genetics second year: no audio available, slides attached below

Essay writing session for 2nd and 3rd year students: Q-review style recording (slides attached)


Hope you've found these revision sessions helpful and best of luck for your exams!! Huge thank you to all the mentors that have helped out - how amazing are they!!



PASS organizer