Module: Health Inequalities and the Social Determinants of Health

Topic 9: Food and Health

Lectures: Food and Health 

Diet -related health inequalities within and between countries remain a significant challenge in public health. Priorities differ from regulation of advertising/marketing, agricultural policy, fortification of foods and promoting a healthy diet through social and economic interventions at various levels. The lecture will provide an overview of key issues in the relationship between food and health inequalities and prepare the students for discussion of the varied problems regarding food and diet in the seminar.


When you have completed the reading and participated in the taught components for this week you will be able to

  • Describe the pathways by which food influences health, mediated by social and economic status (agricultural policy, micronutrient malnutrition, household food insecurity)
  • Discuss the public health challenges posed by food security in a range of countries and areas: UK, US, India, Horn of Africa
  • Explain the role of ‘big food’ in creating/perpetuating health inequalities


Compulsory Readings

  • Willen SS, 2011. Do “Illegal” Im/migrants Have a Right to Health? Engaging Ethical Theory as Social Practice at a Tel Aviv Open Clinic. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 303–330. (read it here)
  • Waage J, Banerji R, Campbell O et al, 2010. The Millennium Development Goals: a cross-sectoral analysis and principles for goal setting after 2015 September 13, 2010 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61196-8. (read it here)
  • The Global Partnership for Development: Time to Deliver. MDG Gap Taskforce Report.

Additional Readings

  • Dowler EA, O’Connor D. 2012. Rights-base approaches to addressing food poverty and food insecurity in Ireland and UK. Social Science & Medicine 74: 44-51 (read it here)
  • Hawkes, C. 2008. Globalisation, Food and Nutrition Transitions. WHO (read it here)
  • Tanumihardjo S A,  Anderson C, Kaufer-Horwitz M, Bode L,  Emenaker  NJ,  Haqq,  AM, Satia JA, Silver HJ, Stadler DD. 2007. Poverty, Obesity, and Malnutrition: An International Perspective Recognizing the Paradox. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107:1966-1972 (read it here)
  • Robertson, A. 2001. Social inequalities and the burden of food-related ill-health. Public Health Nutrition 4:1371-73 (read it here)
  • Gentleman, A. 18/07/12. Food banks: a life on handouts. Guardian
  • Bhutan development approach: Starting page 108.



Key question: How do different communities and countries address food insecurity?


We will use the seminar time to discuss examples collected by the students of approaches to defining food insecurity and what options are in place for those who may need assistance in having enough food to eat. 

Please come prepared: look online for examples of food banks, soup kitchens, food stamps etc and think about the difficulties with each approach. How is 'need' assessed in different countries or organisations?

Lecture Notes and Powerpoints