EECS Student Handbook 2023/24

Section 6 - Assessments and Exams

6.5 Incorrect submission file

It is a student’s responsibility to submit the correct file via the correct method.

Pay attention to the assessment requirements. The submission should be in the correct file format as requested in the assessment requirements.

The Module Organiser can only mark what has been submitted via the formal method.  Module Organisers cannot mark a submission if the file is not readable or if the submission is not via the formal method (QM+ or EECS submission system).  

If you know you submitted the wrong file please bring it to the attention of the Module Organiser as soon as possible.

For each case below, If the wrong file is submitted to QM+, and is brought to the attention of the Module Organisers :-

  • Before the deadline, the incorrect file will be reverted back to Draft and you can resubmit. Penalties may still apply if the file is submitted after the deadline or  the file has time stamp after the deadline.
  • After the deadline and prior to the cut off (generally 7 days after deadline),  you may be able to resubmit but the relevant penalties will apply.
  • After the cut off deadline,  no further submissions or changes will be accepted.

 This is only to be considered where one has submitted the wrong file , e.g.  an assessment for a different module. Please note, this is not for cases where you have continued to work after the submission has been formally submitted. If the wrong file replacement does not have a last edit timestamp prior to the original file submission, then no further submission may be permitted.