EECS Student Handbook 2023/24

Section 7 - Programmes and modules of study

7.7 Working Hours and Attendance

Full-time students should treat their studies as the equivalent of a full-time job, and should, therefore, expect to spend at least 40 hours per week on the combination of taught classes and additional study time. Students have a responsibility towards College and towards their funding body, where relevant, to display the same effort and commitment as they would towards an employer. Any student who consistently spends less than this amount of time on their studies can expect to experience problems.

Students must be free to attend classes between the hours of 9.00 am and 6.00 pm Mondays to Fridays during term-time. Attendance at ALL classes is compulsory, and will be formally monitored by a variety of means. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that any absence is explained, in advance where possible, to the relevant staff and to their adviser, and that any necessary forms and supporting documentation are submitted. The consequences of any failure to do so may be serious, and may include deregistration from College and notification of deregistration to grant-awarding Local Education Authorities (LEAs) or the Student Loans Company (SLC). This may lead to the LEA or SLC ceasing payment and requiring some, if not all, of any grant to be repaid.

If absence affects a substantial period of time, especially submission of assessed coursework or attendance at in-term tests or end-of-year examinations, the student must ensure that an appropriate Extenuating Circumstances Form is submitted together with supporting documents, alternatively Interruption of Studies should be considered in extreme circumstances. Discuss options with your Advisor or Student Support Team. Further information on interruption of studies -