EECS Student Handbook 2023/24

Section 5 - School Procedures

5.8 Student Conduct

Both the School and the College have high expectations of student behaviour. Many of the points addressed below are discussed in more detail in the College Student Guide and the College’s Code of Student Discipline, which are available online from Academic Registry. Specifically, the School and College expect that students will treat everyone, whether a member of staff or a fellow student, with dignity and respect at all times. Harassment of any kind, whether verbal or written, implicit or explicit, on account of a person’s race, ethnicity, sex, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability, or any other factor, is completely unacceptable.

It is expected that students will help to maintain a pleasant atmosphere suitable for serious study throughout their programme of study. Any behaviour that prevents other students from studying will result in disciplinary action by the School. Persistent offenders will be referred to College for further disciplinary action and possible deregistration.

Mobile phones should always be switched off during taught classes, in the Library, and in any tests or examinations. Any student whose mobile phone rings during a taught class or in the Library may be asked to leave. Any student whose mobile phone rings during a test or examination will be referred to College for disciplinary action. This may lead to a mark of zero being awarded for that particular assessment, and more serious penalties for a subsequent offence.

 QMUL Netiquette - Student guidelines for communicating in online contexts -

The College code on student discipline can be found at:

A School enforces a strict lab code of conduct for the benefit of all students. The lab code can be found at

Conduct in the Laboratories

As a general guide, here are the most important points to remember:

•                     Help to maintain a studious atmosphere in the laboratory

•                     Observe all security arrangements

•                     Do not take food or drink into the ITL or Electronics Lab

•                     Keep your password secret

 A major risk to the computers is from food and drink. Drinks, and in particular fizzy drinks, can damage things beyond repair when spilled. We cannot afford to replace the PCs if they are damaged by food or drink. Please don’t take food or drink into the ITL, and do what you can to discourage others from doing so. If any liquid is spilled on a machine, please tell a member of staff immediately: the quicker we find out, the more chance we have of saving the machinery. The Infusion shop and cafe is close to the ITL, and there are many other places to eat and relax. Save the labs for work.

Mobile phones must not be allowed to ring, and must be used considerately. They may not be used during supervised labs. Make and take your calls outside the building. The College doesn’t intend any of its computers to be used for games. The School provides laboratories as places for study. Please respect others’ need to concentrate and respect the effort by lecturers and teaching assistants put into the labs.

We are funded to maintain, service and replace the machinery for use by our students alone. It is possible for people from other departments to wander in and use up resources to which they are not entitled. The building is not staffed full time and we expect that you will help keep out intruders.