Topic outline

  • General

  • Introduction

  • Creating content: Pages

    • 11. How to edit an existing page

      12. How to copy a page


  • Creating content: Files

    13. How to upload a file

    14. How to upload multiple files

    15. Organise files into folders

  • Creating Content: Journals

    16. How to create a Journal

    17. How to complete a Journal entry

    18. How to attach a file or image to your Journal

    19. How to share a Journal

  • Creating Content: Plans

    20. How to create a plans list

    21. How to add tasks to a plan

    22. How to view and edit tasks within a plan

    How to share a plan

  • Creating Content: CPD

    23. How to create a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) log

    24. How to edit a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) log

  • Creating Content: Resume

    • 25. How to create a resume

      26. How to share a resume

  • Sharing Content: Pages (How to add images, weblinks, YouTube clips etc)

    • 27. How to share RSS Feeds

      28. How to add videos including YouTube

      29. How to share images

      30. How to share web links

      31. How to share a Plans List

      31. How to share a journal

      27. How to add images to a page and journal entry

  • How to create a tag cloud

  • How to create a collection of pages

  • Edit access to your pages

  • Submit a page/collection for assessment

  • Export your portfolio

  • Topic 16