Topic outline

  • Announcements & Student Forum

  • Introduction

    Exams at School of Engineering & Materials Science (SEMS):

    As a SEMS student, you may need to sit in-person or online exams as part of your assessments, along with completing coursework and in-class tests. This page aims to provide you with general guidance, information and useful resources to excel in your future exams.

    • Online Examinations:

    Online Examinations are managed by your School or Institute. Each School may organise examinations differently to accommodate the assessment requirements. Please make sure that you have familiarised yourself with the relevant instructions if you are taking exams from multiple Schools. Each module page will provide you with information on the format of the exam, full instructions on how to access and complete the online exam, as well as guidelines on how to submit or upload your answers. If you have any questions regarding your online exams, please direct them to your Advisor or the relevant School or Institute in charge of administering the exam. Online Examinations in SEMS take place on QMplus. Exams are located on the QMplus page for each module, along with the submission point, where you are expected to submit your answers.

    More information about Online Exams

    • In-person Examinations:

    If you are sitting in-person exams this year, check out our guidance to help you prepare for the day itself, including details on what to expect during in-person exams and what items you are allowed or not allowed to bring. Please remember to bring your student ID card with you. You will not be permitted to enter the exam venue without it. If you have lost or forgotten your card, find out what you should do before heading to the venue.

    More information about In-person Exams

  • Exam Instructions & Duration

    Academic Year 2023/24

    Online Exams:

    The duration for online exams is as follows:

    • Online exams last for two hours.
    • An additional 30 minutes are given for students to scan handwritten answers, convert them to PDF, and upload the document to QMplus.
    • Any exam responses submitted after the examination period will receive a score of 0 (zero). Late submissions are not permitted.

    In-person Exams:

    The duration for in-person exams is as follows:

    • In-person exams last for two hours.
    • If you complete your attempt before the exam ends, you may leave the venue once your answer script has been collected. However, you cannot leave during the first 30 minutes or the final 15 minutes of the exam.

    Staying up-to-date:

    Communication regarding exam instructions and duration will be disseminated to students by the School through email, the student newsletter, and the SEMS Homepage.

    For any queries concerning exam duration, please contact

  • 1. Before your Exams: timetable, revision and preparation

    1. Exam Timetable:

    Your examination timetable will be published on MySIS. It will indicate the date, location (whether physical venue or online), and your assigned seat number for the exam.

    Individual examination timetables, specifying dates, times, and venues for all invigilated and online exams related to your registered modules, will be generated by Queen Mary. This information can be accessed on the Registry Services website. Forging an examination timetable is considered an offence and may lead to an investigation under the Academic Misconduct Policy.

    It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the dates, times, and venues of your exams, to review your personal timetable for any possible errors or omissions, and to stay updated on any amendments to the full examination schedule on the MySIS portal.

    While Queen Mary strives to prevent scheduling exams in consecutive time slots for individual students, constraints such as time and accommodation limitations, as well as requirements from examination boards, may sometimes make this impossible. Changes to the published exam timetable will be made solely to correct actual errors, not to accommodate individual preferences. More information about provisional start dates and the release of exam timetables is available here.

    Should you encounter any issues with your timetable, please contact the Exams Team promptly via email:

    2. Revision:

    Exam revision shouldn’t be a nightmare. If you plan carefully, start early and have a good understanding of what works for you, you should be able to feel confident and prepared for your exams. Revise Well is a really useful resource to help you prepare for your exams. It's a self-paced training module which you can access below.

    A number of free online study resources are available to help you enhance your academic and research skills, including finding information in your subject, writing skills, critical thinking and more! Our online resources are designed around the needs of Queen Mary students and the demands of courses taught at the University, so they are reliable and trustworthy.

    3. Online Exams - Check your QMplus page & IT equipment and Internet access :

    We recommend checking your QMplus module page ahead of time so that you can familiarise yourself with the precise exam details and instructions provided by the Module Organisers. It is important for you to be aware of the exam format and understand the submission process on QMplus. This also offers you a chance to address any questions you may have to the Module Organisers or the Education Service's team regarding your module's exam.

    We strongly recommend that you check your IT Equipment and Internet Access before your exam. You must ensure that you have a working computer or laptop with a good internet connection during your examination. Your operating system and software must be up to date. Run any updates well in advance. Your laptop and any other devices (e.g. keyboard, mouse, camera or docks) must be connected properly and have sufficient power. If possible, check if your location is due to have a scheduled power outage before your exam. 


    Technical issues such as internet connectivity, will NOT be accepted as Extenuating Circumstances. For example, if students are allocated extended periods to complete a take-home/online assessment these assessments are designed to factor in any issues with broadband speeds or connections dropping. As with other areas of guidance, we would encourage students to factor in enough time to cope with any issues associated with uploading documents or completing online tasks.

    4. In-person Exams:

    You are strongly advised to visit the rooms where your exams will take place in advance, to familiarise yourself with the location and layout. Guidance on examination venues is available on the Registry Services website.

    You should arrive at the examination venue in good time to consult the seating plan (displayed outside the venue). Students will normally be admitted to the venue 10-20 minutes before the scheduled start time to find their allocated desks. You must sit at your allocated desk only.

    A student arriving late will be allowed entry to the venue up to 30 minutes after the examination begins. After this time, admission will only be granted if no other student taking the same exam has left. Latecomers will not be given extra time.

    5. Familiarise yourself with the Academic Misconduct Policy & Academic Regulations:
    Read the Academic Misconduct Policy before your exams.  If you don't follow guidelines properly, it could lead to an academic misconduct investigation. This can be a lengthy process, potentially affecting progression to the next year of your course, starting internships that rely on your grades. There could also be visa implications or delays to your graduation. All of which we want to help you avoid:

  • 2. During your exams: what to expect

    1. Beginning of Online Examination:

    Ensure you are prepared well in advance of the scheduled exam start time. Remember to visit the QMplus module page at the beginning of the exam to access your exam. The exam will commence at the time specified in your timetable.

    1. Carefully follow the instructions provided to you on the QMplus module page.
    2. Open the exam. Please note that the exam paper or quiz will only be accessed at the exam start time and not before.
    3. Review all your answers before submitting.
    4. Carefully follow the submission instructions. If this is a pdf submission, check before submitting that your pdf contains all relevant pages.

    Once the examination begins, you will be under examination conditions until you complete your attempt. A student under examination conditions possessing or using unauthorised materials may be investigated under the Academic Misconduct Policy.

    If you have any issues or questions, please use the Student Q&A Forum to contact the Module Organiser. Alternatively, you can contact if you are experiencing any technical access issues.

    If you are experiencing technical issues during the 30-minute submission window, combine your answers into a single PDF file BEFORE the deadline and send your completed exam to:

    You might want to note down this email before the exam starts.


    We do not accept links to cloud files if you are submitting your completed exam document via email. We only accept files which are attached to the email. 

    2. Beginning of In-person Examination:
    At the start of the examination, the senior invigilator will make several announcements to students, as prescribed by Queen Mary. You must comply with all instructions from
    invigilators; failure to do so is an offence and may be investigated under the Academic Misconduct Policy.

    A student under examination conditions possessing or using unauthorised materials (including when not actually in the examination venue) may be investigated under the
    Academic Misconduct Policy.

  • 3. After your exams: receiving your exam results & feedback

    1. Exam results:

    All exam results are processed and published by your School. If you have concerns about your grade, the first step is to discuss it with the Module Organiser, who can provide clarification on the mark. You can also reach out to the SEMS Office to perform clerical checks to ensure that there have been no errors in the inputting of marks.

    Please note that examination results cannot be given over the phone. Please contact us via email at queries regarding exam results.

    Please see below for important assessment, progression and awards information about your programme, including your assessment results and the support available to you. Please select the academic year which is relevant to your current studies and results.

    2. Further attempts:

    Please note that every student has a maximum of two attempts at a module: a first attempt and one resit attempt.

    If you do not pass your module on the first attempt, you will have the opportunity for a resit at the next available session (typically in August for January and May exams). More details can be obtained from your School.

    If Extenuating Circumstances are approved, your School Office will provide guidance on the timing of your next exam attempt.

    3. Feedback:
    Upon the release of marks, students are entitled to feedback. The first course of action should be for students to refer to the module page for initial feedback. If students seek more detailed feedback, they can contact the Module Organiser directly. In case of any issues accessing feedback, students are encouraged to reach out to the SEMS office for assistance.

    4. Appeals: 

    As mentioned above, if you have concerns about your grade, the first step is to discuss it with the Module Organiser, who can provide clarification on the mark. You can also reach out to the SEMS Office to perform clerical checks to ensure that there have been no errors in the inputting of marks.

    If, after taking these steps, you still have concerns about procedural errors, you may appeal, but please note that appeals can only be lodged after the official release of results. More information on the appeals process can be found here - Appeals - Directorate of Governance and Legal Services (

    We advise that you review what constitutes valid grounds for appeal. It's important to note that appealing academic judgment alone is not considered valid grounds for appeal.

  • 4. Resitting an exam: what to expect

    1. Resits:

    Your first attempt at the assessment for a given module is known as a First-Sit. If you do not pass a module on the first attempt, you are only entitled to one resit attempt for each module. Your Resits must be taken at the first available opportunity and you will be automatically registered for any resits you are entitled to. If you opt out of a resit or fail to attend the examination you will forfeit any further opportunity to resit the module.

    The Late Summer Resit (LSR) period is in August and is available for all students and all modules in all years, including final year modules. If resits are taken in the following academic year, semester A module exams are scheduled in January and Semester B module exams are in May/June. It is important that you make no holiday, flight, employment or other arrangements that might interfere with a possible LSR or your revision for it. If you fail to attend an LSR this will still count as one attempt and could end your resit allowance for that module.

    Your resit exam timetable will be provided by the Exams Team in advance, similar to how it's provided in semesters 1 and 2. Additionally, you'll be given access to the QMplus  resit page for the module you are resitting, where you'll submit your work.

    More detailed information on re-sit examinations and missing exams etc. can be found here:

  • 5. Exam FAQs

      Q: What do I do if there are problems with the platform or with the paper?

      A: If you experience any issues with QMplus or your exam paper, please email immediately.  

        Q: What should I do if I can't submit to QMplus?

      A: Combine all your completed answers in a PDF file and name the file as so: STUDENT NUMBER_MODULE CODE. Send your completed exam file to BEFORE the deadline. Please note that submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted and will result in a 0/NS being awarded. 

       Q: My completed exam document exceeds the 50MB file upload limit. What should I do?

      A: Please use the Adobe PDF file compressor to downsize the size of your document.

      Q: I would like more feedback on my exam mark, what should I do?

      A: You should contact your Module Organiser in the first instance to discuss feedback on your exam performance.

       Q: I don’t agree with my mark, what are my options?

      A: You should first make sure you have consulted any feedback you have received and contact the Module Organiser should you wish to discuss further. Please note that it is not possible to appeal a mark based on not agreeing with academic judgement. However, if you believe there has been a procedural error with your mark, please email in the first instance to investigate and if they are unable to find an error, you can formally appeal under the Appeals Policy.

         Q: What happens if I fail my exam?
      A: If you do not pass your module on the first attempt, you will have the opportunity for a resit at the next available session (typically in August for January and May exams). More details can be obtained from your School.
      If Extenuating Circumstances are approved, your School Office will provide guidance on the timing of your next exam attempt.

      Q: My question is not answered here. Where can I find more information?

      A: Please have a look at the FAQ via the Academic Registry.

    • 6. Online Exam Example: Assignment Submission


      Module code: 

      Module name: 


      Your assessment will start at EXAMPLE 10:00 GMT on the 8th January 2024. The final deadline by which the assessment must be submitted is EXAMPLE 12:30 GMT on the 8th January 2024.

      Assessment Instructions:

      • You have a maximum of 2:30 hours to submit your answers. You have 2:00 hours to complete your exam paper. The extra 30 minutes are allocated for you to scan, convert to PDF and upload your completed exam document. 
      • Answer all questions.
      • You can ONLY submit PDF files.
      • File size limit is 50MB.
      • Late submission are NOT allowed. Exam responses submitted outside the exam period will score 0 (zero) marks. 
      • Time will automatically be extended for students with documented Exam Access Arrangements.

      By submitting via QMplus, you will be endorsing the following statements:

      • I am aware I will not be allowed to resubmit my work, and I confirm I am uploading the final version.
      •  I have read and understood the school guidelines on assessment on the SEMS Student Handbook.
      •  I am aware of QMUL’s regulations on academic misconduct, including plagiarism for assessed work. I have read the guidelines at Academic Misconduct Policy (2023-24) and understand what constitutes plagiarism.”
      •  I understand that I will need to make this submission before the end of the 2:30 hours window ( 2:00 h exam +  30 min submission time)and that late submissions will NOT be accepted. 
      •  I hereby affirm that the work I am submitting for this assessment is entirely my own.”

      Important items to be aware of: 

      • Your submission must be your own work, and you must not break any of the rules in the Academic Misconduct Policy (link above).Do not collude with others. Do not ask anyone else to answer the questions for you. All such activities are expressively forbidden. You must answer questions entirely independently. 
      • All submissions will be subject to inspection for plagiarism and use of external tutoring support. Detection of such activity will constitute an assessment offence 
      • We reserve the right to viva a percentage of students after each assessment to discuss the answers they have provided as confirmation this is your own work 
      • Any assessment offences will be referred to the Academic Registrar for consideration by the Chair of the Academic Misconduct Panel, and may subsequently lead to severe penalties including expulsion. 
      • Please ensure that you read the question rubric (above) carefully and answer all the questions that you are expected to. Make sure it is clear which answer refers to which question. 
      • Any question regarding the assessment should be directed to the QMplus module forum. You can expect an answer within the exam hours but may already find the answer to your question within the forum post. We will only help with queries around clarity of the question paper and will not provide any guidance on the answers.

      Where to get help:

      If you have any issues submitting on QMplus, please combine all your answers into one single pdf and directly send to :

      • Exam Document:
      • EXAMPLE Final Exam Document File

        Select here to access the final exam document for the module. The final exam document will become available to you at the above mentioned time and date.

        Available until 8 January 2024, 12:30 PM
      • Submission Point:
      • Select here to access the submit your completed final exam document.
    • 7. Online Exam Example: Quiz


      Module code: 

      Module name: 


      Your assessment will start at EXAMPLE 10:00 GMT on the 8th January 2024. The final deadline by which the assessment must be submitted is EXAMPLE 12:30 GMT on the 8th January 2024.

      Assessment Instructions:

      • You have a maximum of 2:30 hours to submit your answers. You have 2:00 hours to complete your exam paper. The extra 30 minutes are allocated for you to scan, convert to PDF and upload your completed exam document. 
      • Answer all questions.
      • You can ONLY submit PDF files.
      • File size limit is 50MB.
      • Late submission are NOT allowed. Exam responses submitted outside the exam period will score 0 (zero) marks. 
      • Time will automatically be extended for students with documented Exam Access Arrangements.

      By submitting via QMplus, you will be endorsing the following statements:

      • I am aware I will not be allowed to resubmit my work, and I confirm I am uploading the final version.
      •  I have read and understood the school guidelines on assessment on the SEMS Student Handbook.
      •  I am aware of QMUL’s regulations on academic misconduct, including plagiarism for assessed work. I have read the guidelines at Academic Misconduct Policy (2023-24) and understand what constitutes plagiarism.”
      •  I understand that I will need to make this submission before the end of the 2:30 hours window ( 2:00 h exam +  30 min submission time)and that late submissions will NOT be accepted. 
      •  I hereby affirm that the work I am submitting for this assessment is entirely my own.”

      Important items to be aware of: 

      • Your submission must be your own work, and you must not break any of the rules in the Academic Misconduct Policy (link above).Do not collude with others. Do not ask anyone else to answer the questions for you. All such activities are expressively forbidden. You must answer questions entirely independently. 
      • All submissions will be subject to inspection for plagiarism and use of external tutoring support. Detection of such activity will constitute an assessment offence 
      • We reserve the right to viva a percentage of students after each assessment to discuss the answers they have provided as confirmation this is your own work 
      • Any assessment offences will be referred to the Academic Registrar for consideration by the Chair of the Academic Misconduct Panel, and may subsequently lead to severe penalties including expulsion. 
      • Please ensure that you read the question rubric (above) carefully and answer all the questions that you are expected to. Make sure it is clear which answer refers to which question. 
      • Any question regarding the assessment should be directed to the QMplus module forum. You can expect an answer within the exam hours but may already find the answer to your question within the forum post. We will only help with queries around clarity of the question paper and will not provide any guidance on the answers.

      Where to get help:

      If you have any issues submitting on QMplus, please combine all your answers into one single pdf and directly send to :

    • Exam Support: Drop-ins for Students

      Join our upcoming Support Drop-in sessions in April

      This is also an opportunity for students to raise any technical exam related questions.

      What are the sessions going to cover:

      • Student exam information for Online & In-person exams.
      • Exam timetables.
      • Best practices for online exams on QMplus.
      • What to do when you have an issue during your exam.
      • Study resources & exam support and wellbeing.
      • Extenuating circumstances & Examination Access Arrangements (EAA)
      • Student Q&A

      ✏️ Book your place:

      📍   Location: 

      • Interview Room - SEMS Office (Engineering Building, 3rd Floor)

      🗓️ Date & Time: 

      • 10th April 2024: 13:00-13:30, 14:00-14:30, 14:30-15:00
      • 17th April 2024: 13:00-13:30, 14:00-14:30, 14:30-15:00
      • 24th April 2024: 13:00-13:30, 14:00-14:30, 14:30-15:00

    • How to create or convert files to PDF

      How to create or convert files to PDF:

      For some exams at SEMS, you will be required to submit your completed answer sheets as a PDF file. Please see below the guidance for how to use a variety of software to create or convert your files to PDF:

      • You can use the Office programs to save or convert your files to PDFs so that you can share them or print them using commercial printers. And you won’t need any other software or add-ins.

      • Capture documents, forms, slides, and whiteboards into high-quality PDFs using your mobile phone. With various capture modes, you can get the best scans every time.

    • Revise Well: Self-paced training

      • Exam revision shouldn’t be a nightmare. If you plan carefully, start early and have a good understanding of what works for you, you should be able to feel confident and prepared for your exams.  Revise Well is a really useful resource to help you prepare for your exams. 

    • Online Study Resources

      • A number of free online study resources are available to help you enhance your academic and research skills, including finding information in your subject, writing skills, critical thinking and more!

        Our online resources are designed around the needs of Queen Mary students and the demands of courses taught at the University, so they are reliable and trustworthy.

      • Improve your assignments by getting fast, detailed, and personalised feedback on your drafts. All online and available 24/7 through Studiosity, provided by Queen Mary Library Services 

      • Queen Mary subscribes to LinkedIn Learning, which provides online training covering a wide range of technical, business, software and creative topics.

    • Mental Health & Wellbeing Support

      • Support is available if you’re worried about exams, and please talk to your Advisor if you have any questions or concerns.

        Support information can be found on the QMUL Assessment Hub.

    • Student Support at SEMS

      SEMS Student Support contacts:
      Every School has a dedicated student support contact who can offer advice on matters you feel may be impeding your ability to study. Below you can find the SEMS student support contacts:

      • If you wish to speak to a member of the SEMS Student Support Team, please request an online meeting via email by clicking the link.
    • Examination Access Arrangements: information & how to apply

      Students with disabilities, specific learning differences like dyslexia and short-term conditions (e.g. broken limbs, pregnancy) can apply to the Disability and Dyslexia Service for Examination Access Arrangements (EAA).

      The role of the Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) is to agree appropriate arrangements with the student. This is part of Queen Mary's legal responsibility to offer its disabled students ‘reasonable adjustments’, as outlined in the Equality Act (2010).

      All applications for examination access arrangements must be accompanied by medical evidence in the case of a disability or a diagnostic report in the case of a student with a specific learning difference such as dyslexia. This evidence must be in the English language and should be dated no more than two years prior to the date on the student’s application for examination access arrangements in the case of medical evidence or after the student’s sixteenth birthday in the case of students with specific learning differences.

    • Examination Access Arrangements: FAQ

    • Extenuating Circumstances: information & how to apply

      • This is a guide for Queen Mary students on undergraduate or postgraduate taught programmes on how to apply for what are known as ‘Extenuating Circumstances’.