Information for Psychology Students
Topic outline
You can find various ways of getting in touch with Psychology staff in this section. Feel free to use the forums provided for any questions you have!
If you have any questions about the Psychology program, issues that you want to raise, or celebrations that you want to share, please do so here, on our group Psychology Programme Forum.
If someone raises an issue/question that you also have, please respond to the post to share your point of view.
If you have an answer, please also share!
This forum will be checked regularly by the Director Of Teaching & Learning, who will also provide answers and information to issues raised.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
This is a forum where anyone in Psychology can ask questions about the programme, share job tips or sell items like unwanted textbooks.
Please read the Handbook carefully to gain more information about the requirements and expectations for an annual placement.
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If you are in your second year and wish to apply for a year-long placement, this is the recording from the session we held on the 14th of June. More information can be found in the Handbook.
Enter Passcode: n#4k*n$Q
Use this great tool to improve your CV before submitting any application.
These are the latest job, placement or volunteering opportunities that have come through the psychology department. Click to access and apply for those exclusive opportunities.
In addition, you MUST register with and also search via the Careers website for opportunities. In addition, make sure you create a volunteering profile with the Students' Union. Once you do that, you will be able to apply for plenty (honorary/paid) opportunities particularly relevant to psychology students.
There might not be a role for every one of you, but you can get an idea about the type of organisations offering psychology relevant work experience and look for similar openings independently.
If you want to explore the different career options within psychology, please make sure you visit the BPS Careers website and the NHS health career website.
Finally, a great external job board can be found via Sanctuary Graduates and do not miss out from registering with RateMyPlacement an excellent up-to-date platform with job opportunities and careers support FREE sessions.
If you have any questions about the advertised placement opportunities, please get in touch with Dr Argyriou
IF YOU APPLY, PLEASE MAKE SURE THE LISTING IS FROM A CALENDAR YEAR WHICH FALLS IN LINE WITH YOUR CURRENT ACADEMIC YEAR (i.e., a listing added on 2019 will not be available for the academic year 2023-24, but you can get inspiration and search the organisation's website independently)
This section contains all the important information you might need about the BSc Psychology.
Please find the names and email addresses of the contacts in Psychology here, including the contact information for the Director of Teaching and Learning and the Year Tutors.
Please join this MS Teams link for online access to the Welcome Back to Psychology talk for Year 2s.
Please find attached the Year 2 Welcome Back Talk slides and transcript of the meeting.
The slides include answers to the questions raised via Menti in our session. -
Please join this MS Teams link for online access to our Welcome Back to Psychology talk for Year 3
Please find attached the Year 3 Welcome Back Talk slides and transcript of the meeting.
The slides include answers to the questions raised via Menti in our session. -
See this folder for all three sets of slides from the transition to university sessions we've done over the past few weeks.
Although the modules in our Psychology Programme are compulsory in Year 1 and 2, you get to CHOOSE your modules in Year 3!
Please find information from Monday March 11 2023 onwards on the module selection process for Year 3 and the exciting modules that are available for you to choose for 24/25.
We will also have a Module Fair on Thursday, March 14 2024 from 11am - 1pm in Geography 1.26. In this session, we will introduce you to your final year, the dissertation projects, and your choices for electives. The session will be available to attend via Zoom here, but we strongly recommend you attend the module fair in person if you can.
Module Selection opens on Monday 18 March 2023.
Note: We do not have any caps on Psychology modules for 2024/25 during module selection, so please don't feel pressure to choose your modules as soon as module selection opens. However, once spring module registration closes, module change requests are not guaranteed, and subject to availability.
This document gives you a detailed overview of the available electives in your final year.
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Please find a collection of short videos on the Third-Year Electives for 2024/25. The Module Organisers of each module have recorded short videos (under 4 minutes each) introducing you to each module. This will help you make your choice for your Final Year Electives for next year.
Please find attached slides from our Module Fair session.
Please use this forum after the Module Fair to ask any questions you have for third year electives running in the 24/25 academic year. The Module Organiser will respond to any questions about their modules.
Note that the assessment structure is not fully finalised yet for all modules, so these might still change.
This is the recording of the Psych Soc session from February 2024, where they invited two clinical psychologists to talk about their personal experiences with clinical psychology and their pathways to getting into their careers.
See below for useful links within and outside QMUL for learning and revising.
This is a module you can work through at your own pace about understanding plagiarism and academic integrity.
Please review our Psychology Department policy for using generative AI programs (i.e., chatGPT). This policy reviews what you can- and cannot use generative AI for in your course, and reviews the consequences for inappropriate use. Key takeaway points include:
1. GenAI is not a valid scientific source of information: you must find original, validated, scientific information to support your coursework.
2. You must cite GenAI when you use it, and include an appendix in which you describe which GenAI was used and how it was used (this will not count towards wordcount of coursework).
3. You should not copy large pieces of text from any source, including GenAI (even if you cite it). You should rephrase in your own words and include a citation (although note point 1: genAI is not a valid source of scientific information).
Please review the policy and ask on the Psychology Module Forum if you have any questions.
Please note: This policy is subject to change as QMUL guidance changes.349.8 KB
Please click here to find the slides for the essay writing workshop.
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Workshop with Chenée Psaros, January 2023
These are a pdf version of the menti slides linked above.
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This is the recording from the session with Chenée Psaros in January 2024.
Information and links to help you conduct or take part in QMUL Psychology research.
You can find example exam questions for all of our psychology modules on the SBBS Exams & Assessment QMPlus page linked here.
You can also find it on QMPlus on SBBS Undergraduate Landing Page/Assessment Information, scroll down to the section titled, "Past/Sample Exam Papers and Online Assessment specimen questions" in the section "PSY Papers".
We understand that writing a essay-based exam under a time limit is challenging. That is why we have series of events to help you prepare for your exams this year. This support includes:
1. A Timed-Essay Writing Workshop
2. A Mock Timed-Essay Exam
3. A Feedback Session on the Mock Exam
In addition, you will receive:
a) Exam advice and practice exercises in each of your modules that are tailored to the module's essay exam
b) Past exam papers to practice your writing
c) A video explanation of the Essay Grading Criteria to apply in your essay writing throughout the year.
d) FAQs below to answer frequently-asked questions about essay-based exams.
It is our hope that this support will help to alleviate uncertainty around exam expectations and help you to do your best work!
Please review the Psychology Essay Marking Scheme prior to completing the mock essay exam. This will help you to understand how your lecturers will evaluate your essays, and help you to structure your writing.
Please also watch the video below, where Dr. Gwen Brekelmans describes the Essay-style Marking Scheme in detail.
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Please see attached for a recording of the Timed Essay Writing Workshop in PSY600.
The workshop was aimed at Year 3, but would also apply to Year 2 (with 1000 word essays).
Please read through these FAQs and Answers re: timed essay-based exams.
Please see attached for slides shared in the Timed Essay-Based Exam Workshop
You are invited to participate in 2 mock timed essay-based exams.
1. There is a "general" essay-based mock exam below. You may familiarize yourself with exam instructions and practice writing a timed exam on a general question based on a broad background in Psychology.
- You will not receive feedback on this answer, but we invite you to submit your answer to Studiosity for feedback on your writing
2. There will be a scheduled mock essay based exam that draws on content you've learning in your modules
- Year 2: Week 9
- Year 3: Week 10
- You will receive general feedback on answers to these questions in Week 12 revision sessions in your modules
- We invite you to submit your answer to Studiosity for feedback on your writing
- Please download the question paper within the submission link. Write your answer within the same file, and upload it as your final answer. You can only upload one file.
- You must submit by uploading your answer before the deadline.
- There is no Turnitin report to view.
- Your submission must be in Word (.doc or .docx) file format only.
- Your answers must be your own work, and you must ensure that you do not break any of the rules in the Academic Misconduct Policy
- No marks will be released after the assessment.
- If you have any issues please email:
- Please download the question paper within the submission link. Write your answer within the same file, and upload it as your final answer. You can only upload one file.
- You must submit by uploading your answer before the deadline.
- There is no Turnitin report to view.
- Your submission must be in Word (.doc or .docx) file format only.
- Your answers must be your own work, and you must ensure that you do not break any of the rules in the Academic Misconduct Policy
- No marks will be released after the assessment.
- If you have any issues please email:
- Please download the question paper within the submission link. Write your answer within the same file, and upload it as your final answer. You can only upload one file.
- You must submit by uploading your answer before the deadline.
- There is no Turnitin report to view.
- Your submission must be in Word (.doc or .docx) file format only.
- Your answers must be your own work, and you must ensure that you do not break any of the rules in the Academic Misconduct Policy
- No marks will be released after the assessment.
- If you have any issues please email:
- Please download the question paper within the submission link. Write your answer within the same file, and upload it as your final answer. You can only upload one file.
- You must submit by uploading your answer before the deadline.
- There is no Turnitin report to view.
- Your submission must be in Word (.doc or .docx) file format only.
- Your answers must be your own work, and you must ensure that you do not break any of the rules in the Academic Misconduct Policy
- No marks will be released after the assessment.
- If you have any issues please email:
- Please download the question paper within the submission link. Write your answer within the same file, and upload it as your final answer. You can only upload one file.
- You must submit by uploading your answer before the deadline.
- There is no Turnitin report to view.
- Your submission must be in Word (.doc or .docx) file format only.
- Your answers must be your own work, and you must ensure that you do not break any of the rules in the Academic Misconduct Policy
- No marks will be released after the assessment.
- If you have any issues please email:
Please review our Psychology Department policy for using generative AI programs (i.e., chatGPT). This policy reviews what you can- and cannot use generative AI for in your course, and reviews the consequences for inappropriate use. Key takeaway points include:
1. GenAI is not a valid scientific source of information: you must find original, validated, scientific information to support your coursework.
2. You must cite GenAI when you use it, and include a copy of the full-text response when you use GenAI (this will not count towards wordcount of coursework).
3. You should not copy large pieces of text from any source, including GenAI (even if you cite it). You should rephrase in your own words and include a citation (although note point 1: genAI is not a valid source of scientific information).
Please review the policy and ask on the Psychology Module Forum if you have any questions.
Please note: this policy is subject to change, as this is a fast-moving field.
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This page has a brief introduction to what an advisor is, along with a video.
This page from Advice and Counselling has collected all crucial resources and contacts for when you need help in a crisis.
This is the Queen Mary Student Union page on wellbeing, which has lots of resources you might find useful.
This is the homepage for the Advice and Counselling Services.
Below you will find the Coursework Calendars for each of the three years of the undergraduate programme. These calendars give you an overview of when all your coursework deadlines are, and how they spread out across the year.
See attached for the coursework calendar with all coursework deadlines for Semester A.
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This detailed advice guide on Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) has been put together by Advice and Counselling Services and will provide you all the details you need to know what an EC is, and how to apply for one.
This is the submission template for essays and lab report assignments; use this unless specified otherwise.
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This marking scheme is used for all essay assignments across the BSc Psychology, unless specified otherwise.
Updated October 2023.
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We know you are eager to gain research experience and build valuable skills for your future! Click here to find out how you can do this and whom to contact. You will find useful tips on making an effective approach, including how to connect with researchers in our School.
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Here you can find the slides from the careers session to access useful links and resources.
Please visit the SBBS Careers page on QMplus for more information about careers in psychology.