Topic outline

  • General

  • Who Can Help?

    Physics Subject Support (G. O. Jones Building)

    • For support with your subject and academic guidance your first step is to speak to your academic adviser or module organiser .
    • Most academic staff hold weekly feedback and advice (office) hours and you can also schedule appointments with them.

    Academic Support (Room 110, G. O. Jones Building)

    • General academic guidance
    • For help with your timetable 
    • Assisting with room booking
    • MSc support and Intercollegiate MSci module registration

    Please contact Leonie Dos Santos, the School Administrative Officer

    Pastoral Support (Room 110, G. O. Jones Building)

    • First point of contact for all students and signpost students to relevant support services and mechanisms
    • Offer advice on matters which may be impeding your ability to study
    • To make the student experience the best it can possibly be
    • Manage and monitor the School’s engagement policy and offer support mechanisms to get students re-engaged with their programme of study
    • Manage the School’s extenuating circumstances policy (circumstances that are outside a student’s control which may have a negative impact on a student’s ability)
    • Leading on the School’s student feedback procedures for assuring academic standards and enhancing the student learning experience

    Please contact Harvey Abraham-Green, the Student Support Officer (SSO) for the School.

    You can book a student support meeting here

  • Changes We Have Made From Your Feedback

    You Asked:
    We Delivered:

    You Said: It would be really useful if we could alert the school of any absences online rather than via email.
    We Did: Our online absence reporting form is now live on our website alongside a new detailed attendance policy.

    You Said: I find some of the maths we are expected to know for intercollegiate modules is quite complicated and that this gap needs to be bridged.
    We Did: There is a new maths module that is currently in development to capture any topics that need further explanation.

    You Said: The four hour block of lectures can be overwhelming and leave us feeling drained.
    We Did: Wherever possible we have changed this block so that you have more of a break between lectures.

    You Said: Some markers do not give nearly enough feedback on coursework’s leaving us unable to see where we went wrong.
    We Did: Formal training for all markers has been implemented so standards are now very high and you should expect a great improvement.

    You Said: On some courses the excel element is quite a struggle, we would appreciate some help with this.
    We Did: We implemented excel training sessions for any students that felt it would be of use to them.

    You Said: We find PowerPoint heavy lectures very dull and not helpful.
    We Did: This complaint was passed on at the teaching committee and wherever possible this was considered and acted upon.

  • Student Support Resources

    The university has a wide range of resources and support available to those who study at QMUL. 

    • Students' Union - Student support, PASS mentors, Buddy schemes, socials, sport, societies, representation, Multi-faith centre and SU Shop.
    • Careers Service - Specialist appointments, internships/work experience, job vacancies, application support
    • IT Support - Emails, Printing, WIFI, QMplus, password services, CopyShop.