Topic outline

  • General

  • Application Forms

  • The Role

    • 1. What is a Demonstrator? 

       The role of a Demonstrator is to work closely with the Module Organiser (MO) in order to help support lab and exercise classes and on some occasions carry out marking of students’ work for a given module.  

      Before applying for a Demonstrator position you should discuss your choice/s with your Supervisor to ensure that they are happy for you to undertake work before you are assigned to a module. If you agree with an academic that you will teach or mark for their module then you should note this on your application.  

      You will be required to carry out the duties as laid out by the MO and should raise any concerns relating to content, workload and scheduling etc. with the MO as soon as they arise. Once the timetable is available, please check to ensure that your commitments do not conflict with the scheduled classes.

      If you identify any unforeseen or systematic gaps in your knowledge about the course topic you should discuss this with the MO so that the issue can be resolved. If you are planning on being away at any time, you should arrange cover of the exercise class with an appropriate colleague and let the MO and Teaching Administration Officer know who will be replacing you before the date of the class.

      Please note that if you undertake work as a Demonstrator then you are employed as a staff member by QMUL and as such will receive a contract and staff log-in details, as well as holiday pay, pension and sickness pay.  

      Depending on the module, the areas of work with which you may be involved are:

      1.1 Demonstrating 

      Demonstrating involves helping and offering support to a group of students in a lab and/or exercise class by guiding them in exercises or facilitating discussions, as directed by the MO.  

      The Teaching Admin team may require you to keep a record of student attendance, so that engagement can be monitored; information will be provided to you.

      1.2 Marking & Assessment

      You may be required to undertake some marking. You should always receive the homework solutions/mark scheme. If you don’t, contact the MO and ask for it – you should not try and muddle through without having the answers.   

      Marks should be recorded on the module’s QMplus gradebook, but please discuss with the MO before uploading anything. If you are unsure how to undertake online marking please liaise with our E-Learning Technologist Jonathan Anegbeh.

      1.3 Exam Invigilation 

      You may be asked to invigilate in-class tests during the semester, such as a mid-term exam which is normally held in week 8. Instructions will be provided.

      1.4 Hours 

      The role of Demonstrator is during term-time only. The MO will advise you when classes will commence. This work does not extend into holidays or the exam period unless the MO has previously agreed work with you. This role is for set hours only and you should not create an expectation that students can contact you outside of these hours. If students have further queries, they should meet with the MO during their office hours or contact them via email. 

  • Good Practice

    • Be Prepared 

      Make sure you are properly prepared for the lab or exercise class by attending the training sessions or reading any materials that the MO sends you before the session. If you do not receive a briefing of what is expected of you for each class, then ask the MO for one.

      Be Proactive 

      Encourage discussion and ask questions during the class. Do not assume that if no-one talks to you then all is well. Offer help and ask if the students are getting on OK – be approachable. Be supportive in your responses and do not just give the answers to questions – encourage students to work out the solutions for themselves. 

      Things To Avoid 

      Don’t be late - make sure you arrive at the scheduled start time, but start the class 5 min after the start of the hour to allow time for students to arrive. End the class 5 minutes to the hour to allow time for the students to leave. 

      Lab/Class Rules 

      Students and staff are not permitted to bring food or drinks into the labs or seminars. E-cigarettes, mobile phones and audio players must not be used during the class.   

      Student Contact 

      If, for some reason, a student needs to contact you, you should only accept and respond to emails that have been sent from their QMUL accounts. This identifies them as genuine students and encourages them to use their student accounts which they should be checking daily anyway. It is perfectly acceptable for you to pass questions from the student over to the MO. If you do need to contact the students, you should only use your QMUL account and should not give them your personal email or phone number. To safeguard yourself and the student, it is also advised not to have the students you teach on your social media accounts. Further information on the code of student discipline can be found here

      Student Issues

      Always communicate any issues with your class to the MO. This includes things like disruptive students and people signing the register then leaving straight away etc. If a student is having a lot of difficulties with their work and is falling behind, please advise them to see the MO during their office hours.  

      Plagiarism is a serious, punishable offence. The students are made aware of this via the student handbook and would have been reminded by the MO. If you suspect any plagiarism please report it to the MO.

      Conflict of Interest 

      Ideally you should not be a Demonstrator on a module where a family member or partner is a student. Any such instances should be declared to the School Executive Assistant, Srividhya Kulandaivelu before any work is carried out. 

  • Absence

    • Planned Absence 

      If you know you are going to be away (i.e. going a conference) it is your duty to ensure that you have found someone suitable to cover your session, such as somebody that has demonstrator experience. You should inform the MO of the arrangements to make sure they are happy with your replacement. Please also inform Harvey Abraham-Green of the arrangements. 


      Please contact the MO and Harvey Abraham-Green if you are unable to attend a session due to illness. 

  • Contract and Payment

    • Right to work checks  

      All students require a right to work check even if you have held a demonstrator contract in the past. HR require a new right to work check every academic year. You will be requested to provide a copy of your passport so that it can be verified. You will also need to complete a personal details form form and input Harvey Abraham-Green ( under line manager. 

      EU Nationals with pre-settled and settled status

      From 1 July 2021, the majority of EEA citizens will prove their right to work using the Home Office online right to work service. Those who have made a successful application to the EU Settlement Scheme will have been granted their immigration status digitally and can only prove their right to work using Home Office online service ‘prove your right to work to an employer’ available on GOV.UK:

      To prove their right to work from 1 July 2021, individuals will provide the University with a share code and their date of birth, which will enable us to check their Home Office immigration status via the online service available on GOV.UK:

      Student Visa

      If you have a Student Visa visa then you will need to provide a copy of your biometric residence permit card. You will also need to complete a Student Visa Holder declaration.   

      This will need to be done once per academic year before you start doing any work and you will be informed of the deadline. 

      National Insurance (NI) Number  

      UK nationals normally receive their NI number at the age of 16.

      Non-UK nationals who want to work must apply for an NI number. 

      The whole process of applying for an NI number is explained online.

      To apply for an NI number, contact the National Insurance application line 0800 141 2075. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm. You must know your home postcode when you ring.

      When you ring, you will either be asked to attend an ‘evidence of identity’ interview at your local Job Centre Plus, or you will be sent a postal application. If you are asked to attend an interview, check exactly what documents you will need to take with you: this is usually a range of original documents such as your passport, national identity card, birth certificate or driving license. International students may need evidence that they are enrolled at QMUL. If you need evidence of enrolment you should email to request a letter, and then go in person to collect the original. Alternatively you can request the letter in person by going to the Research Degrees Office, room 2.13, Second Floor, Graduate Centre, Mile End campus.

      If you are looking for work or already working you may also need to provide evidence of this such as job applications or a letter from your employer. It might take up to 12 weeks before you receive your NI number through the post, but you can work, and be paid, while you are waiting.


      All PGR students will receive payment for the work that they do for the School. Demonstrators are paid at a rate of £17.22 per hour (Aug 2023 QMUL spinal point 19). Standard theory modules are paid for 1 hour prep time (per week) and lab/PC based modules are paid for training instead. 

      The QM pay day is the 24th of each month. If this date falls on a weekend, you will be paid the first working day before.  

      Contracts and Pensions 

      As you will be employed by QMUL as a member of staff, you will receive a contract once HR have received your right to work check, personal details form and contract details. Part 10 of the personal details form you are required to complete relates to pension details. All staff are automatically entered into a pension scheme. If you do not want to be part of this then you need to inform HR in writing that you wish to leave. Please send an email to
      This will take up to 28 days to be processed.
      More information can be found here:


      You will be contracted for a minimum number of hours per academic year. All hours will be paid by submitting a timesheet to MyHR and remuneration is normally paid in arrears. Any timesheets submitted after the 1st day of the calendar month will be paid in the next month. For example, timesheets submitted/worked after the 1st October will be paid in November. Harvey will approve timesheets on MyHR and contact you if there are any discrepancies with what was expected vs what has been submitted.

      For those of you who had contracts last year, Sri will request for your MyHR access to be reactivated so you can use the same credentials as last year. For new demonstrators, a new college username will be created for you for use on MyHR. These credentials are different to your PhD student QMUL account. If you have any problems accessing MyHR, please contact IT Services  

  • Contacts


      Name: Sri Kulandaivelu
      Role: Executive Assistant
      Contact Sri if you have queries regarding HR, MyHR access and contracts.

      Name: Harvey Abraham-Green
      Role: Education and Student Services Manager 
      Contact Harvey if you have queries regarding recruitment, teaching allocations, timetabling, absence/sickness, payments/timesheets.

      Name: Dr Lesley Howell
      Role: Director of Education
      Contact Lesley if you have queries regarding teaching/mentoring support.