Topic outline

  • General

    This page contains School specific information that you will need to be aware of to ensure your safe return to campus. 

    You will be required to confirm that you have read and understood all policies and procedures documented below before access to the building will be permitted.

    Anyone who does not adhere to the procedures, risk assessments, or goes against any of the requirements here will have their access to the building and the labs revoked immediately.

  • Booking time in the Research Labs

    There are maximum numbers of staff allowed in each area to adhere to social distancing. 

    If staff are caught exceeding the maximum capacity of a room access to the building will be revoked.

    If you have not already been given access to the building then do not book a morning slot as you will need to be sent details of your induction first.

    If using the Cryogenic Probestation a slot will need to be booked in the 301 Booking System AND the Cryogenic Probestation Booking System and information provided in the Raman system details will also need to be followed. 

  • 304 - Optics Lab

    Due to specific demand, 304 will only be accessible for booking one day per week.

    If using the Raman System a slot will need to be booked in the 304 Booking System AND and information provided in the Raman system details will also need to be followed.

  • Raman System Information and Booking

    Only ONE Raman user can be booked at any time. Anyone who allows access to the building or gives access to an additional user will have all access to the building revoked. 

    Only those users who have already been pre-trained have access to the booking system.

    Please find below the Raman system booking schedule link. When selecting your hourly slots please keep in mind that these include the arrival and setting up time as well as the time to complete your experiments before arrival of other users. 

    Only existing users of the Raman system will be granted access.

     1. General laser safety training (contact Ken Scott,
     2. Raman system operation. 

    Please remember to enter the values of the reference peak position (obtained from the internal standard) and intensity of the reference peak in counts per second (cps) into the booking system once you collected these data at the start of your experiment. This is important for monitoring system health and booking restrictions will be introduced should a user fail to enter this information. 

    Please also remember to include (upload) your experimental risk assessment at the time of booking.

    Please keep in mind that the system start-up and shut-down are part of your booking time. Start-up, in particular, may require up to 25-30 minutes for stable system operation. 

  • Topic 5

  • Booking Form