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Overview [edit]

QMplus courses are organised into categories, similar to folders. 

The top category structure of QMplus are the 3 faculties, along with some other non faculty categories as follows:

  1. Humanities and Social Sciences
  2. Medicine and Dentistry
  3. Science and Engineering

As well as

  1. Learning and Support
  2. Life Sciences
  3. University of London Institute in Paris
  4. Summer School

Within each top category are several sub-categories that are typically the schools within each faculty. However, this varies from school to school.

QMplus school contacts, know as super admins, are usually able to create their own sub categories in QMplus. and can then organise their courses within this sub category structure. Some schools, for example, choose to add further sub categories under each school, such as 'undergraduate courses' and 'post graduate courses'.

Managing course categories [edit]

If you are a school QMplus administrator, you can manage QMplus categories as follows:

  1. Add sub-categories
  2. Move or delete sub-categories
  3. Move courses within sub-categories
  4. Hide sub-categories
  5. Add users to a sub-category (into any role that is available to you)

For further instructions, please review the Moodle document - Course categories