QMplus course access and enrolment methods

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See who has access to your QMplus course [edit]

Please note: it has been agreed by the Faculty User Groups that some key members of staff be enrolled at a category level so that they have viewer access for module areas, enabling them to resolve student inquiries seamlessly. Please contact the IT Service Desk if you have any questions.

You can see who has access to your QMplus course area by going to the “Participants” section within your QMplus course.

Upon doing so, you will now be able to see all staff and students who can access your course. Should you wish to filter the list of participants, you can do so by selecting a condition via the drop down menu and clicking on ‘Apply filters’.  You may wish to add a further condition by clicking on the plus icon.

Showa the participants section of QMplus

Showing how to select roles

How students get access to QMplus courses [edit]

The vast majority of QMplus areas have the student enrolments controlled by SITS, the student record system. In these cases your students will be automatically enrolled in your course area as long as they have finished their MySIS registration.

If you don’t see students in your QMplus course area and you should, please contact us via the IT Service Desk (servicedesk@qmul.ac.uk).

How resit students get access to QMplus courses [edit]

In line with QMUL policies, resit students do not automatically have access to the current occurrence of a module in QMplus. They will will have access to the course they were originally enrolled in on the QMplus archive as long as it has been made available to students.

If you wish resit students to be enrolled onto the current occurrence automatically, you must request this explicitly by raising a ticket with the IT Service Desk and providing the title of the course area on QMplus and the module code required for enrolment.

Those with ‘Teacher’ access to a course area can also manually enrol students so you can deal with resit students this way if you prefer. For information on how to give people access to your course area yourself please see the below section.

All manually enrolled students will need to be removed from the course area at the end of the enrolment period otherwise they will remain enrolled on the course.

What happens if students can't see your QMplus course? [edit]

If you can see the course area in QMplus, but your students can’t, there are several things to check.

  1. Check to see if the course area is visible to students. To do this, go to the 'Settings’. The course visibility should be set to ‘Show’.
  2. Check if there are any students being enrolled onto the course area (from an ‘external database’ – this will be students who are being automatically enrolled from mySIS). 
    1. Go to the ‘Participants’ section of the course which is available via the navigation drawer.
    2. If there are no students being enrolled onto your course area (or the wrong students are being enrolled), then check to see which course ID number is being enrolled (course ID number is the field which is mapped to the SITS students record database). This can be found under the course settings.
If only some of your students can see your course, it is likely that they have not enrolled properly through MySIS or there may be an error with the course enrolment rules. Please  ensure they check their enrolment is correct and check the QMplus course listing webpage to see which course and programme codes are currently being enrolled.

Please raise a ticket on IT Service Desk if these are not correct.

Giving people access to a QMplus course (or getting access to a QMplus course) [edit]

Please note: most students are enrolled onto QMplus course areas automatically, once they have completed enrolment on SITS. You should not have to enrol them yourself. 

If a student is correctly registered in SITS and they say that they do not have access to your course area, please ask them to contact us via the IT Service Desk so that we can investigate the issue.

All new members of staff will need an account within QMplus before they can be enrolled onto a QMplus module. 

To have access to a course on QMplus, you need to be enrolled on it. Typically, if you requested the course to be created in QMplus, then you will have been enrolled on to it as the teacher.

If you need to gain access to a course area that you did not request then you will need to be manually enrolled on the course. This can be done by a number of people:

  1. Another member of staff who has Teacher access to the course area – they can enrol you on to the course area themselves, they do not need to raise a Helpdesk ticket. See How can I give other users access to my course area on QMplus?
  2. One of your own School or Departmental administrative staff – several departments have administrative staff who can enrol people on to QMplus course areas as required. Please check with your School administrative team to see if this option is available.  If you do not know who this is within your School/Department, please find a link to the list here.
  3. The Helpdesk – if there are any other members of staff currently enrolled on the course area the Helpdesk staff will contact them to ensure they are aware of your request for access.

Some courses on QMplus allow self-enrolment or guest access which means that you can access them without having to ask someone to enrol you.

If a guest or external staff needs access to a QMplus course, please contact the IT Service Desk requesting the creation of an affiliate account. Once this affilicate account has been created, please follow the enrolment methods instructions to give users access to a particular QMplus course area - only if you are a QMplus administrator, course administrator or teacher on a QMplus course area can you enrol others onto your course area yourself. 

Giving access to a module from a previous year [edit]

Students will normally lose access to their course area at the end of the academic year when the rollover takes place. Rollover is the process of removing student activity and data from live QMplus courses.

Staff and students can access an archived version of a course area from a previous year. This can be done by clicking on the ‘archive’ quick link or footer links (highlighted below) at the bottom of QMplus and then searching for the course.

Image of QMplus footer

Enrolment methods [edit]

There are several ways to give people access to a QMplus course. At QMUL, students normally automatically gain access to a QMplus course once they have completed their enrolment on the SITS system. Before you explore these other ways of giving people access to your course area, please first check the course has been properly set up for students to be automatically enrolled, and that your course is visible to students (see section above - what happens if students can't see my course?).

Users must have a QMplus account before you can enrol them.

These are the methods of enrolment:

  1. Enrolling individual users/accounts onto a QMplus course
  2. Bulk enrolling a large number of accounts onto a QMplus course
  3. Enrolment several cohorts and programmes of students onto a QMplus course(via the enrolment mapper)
  4. Allowing users to self enrol onto a QMplus course
  5. Giving guest access to a QMplus course
  6. Giving access to an external person (someone isn't a member of QMUL)

Further information on how to enrol others onto your QMplus course - QMplus enrolment methods.

QMplus roles [edit]

A user’s role on QMplus determines the level of access that they have and what they can do. Roles can be assigned at course, category or system level. If you are teaching a module, you will have the “Teacher” role on the course in QMplus. If you are a departmental administrator, you will be assigned the “Course Administrator” role at your departmental category.

Useful Resources [edit]

  1. Moodle Roles and Permissions (Moodle doc)
  2. QMplus enrolment methods.