Training events

Year Specific Training: Training will be provided for each specific year group, details will be emailed by the Unit Administrators.
EDUCATOR WORKSHOPS: monthly drop-in sessions (first Wednesday of month, 1 hour). The sessions will be very interactive sharing in small and large groups. Each month will have a theme and a practical focus. Joining information is sent one week prior, and on the day of the event.
INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING: This training is open to GPs in the North East London area who are new to undergraduate teaching or those who would just like an opportunity to refresh their knowledge. It will provide attendees with basic skills to prepare students in the community, covering: What makes a great teacher, Creating a great feedback environment, Induction planning. This will be an in person, one day event from 10-4pm in the Graduate Centre at the Mile End Campus. Tickets are available here:
GREAT (Generalism, Reflection and Empathy in Academic Training): This interactive programme involves a 6x3 hour programme of workshops grounded in practitioner experiences. We share educator learning, innovations and challenges with peers. We draw on ideas like systems thinking, design thinking, creative enquiry, pedagogy of kindness, human factors in education and more. This training is for ST3s, First Five GPs and established GPs who would like to develop as educators and those who are new to teaching medical students or who would like a detailed refresher. We prioritise participants who are in a practice that currently teaches QMUL medical students on a first come first served basis. This event is now full, the next available GREAT sessions will be in mid 2025.
EDUCATIONAL COORDINATORS FORUM: We held our first online Educational Coordinators forum on Monday 25th November from 1.30 to 2.30pm. These sessions are for practice managers, administrators or those involved with the administration of Undergraduate teaching. We will be holding one forum per academic term and will use input from attendees to guide the content and format of these sessions. The next session is in-person on Friday 28th March 2025 from 10.00-12.00. Please register here for your free place:
CBME GP ANNUAL EDUCATION DAY: This event will be on Wednesday 7th May 2025, full details to be confirmed soon.
For further information on Events, please contact the CBME Events team at
For further information on Events, please contact the CBME Events team at