Wrap up and reminder re assignment queries

Wrap up and reminder re assignment queries

by Sara Shaw -
Number of replies: 0

Just a quick note to formally close this seminar. Also to thank you all for engaging with the module and helping to shape it these past few months. There have been some genuinely interesting contributions - online and face-to-face - that we have learned from. We hope that you have all found sociology a useful lens through which to view issues relating to global health.

As you are now turning to the assignment, here's a quick reminder of arrangements should you have any queries over the holiday period:

- to 14 December, MSc and BSc students email Sara

- 17-21 December, MSc students email Trish, BSc students email Moira.

- 22 December to 1 January, University Closure.

- 2 January onwards, MSc and BSc students email Sara