The PBA is pleased to launch its Essay Competition 2025 designed to recognise academic achievement and help to identify future property barristers and encourage an interest in property law.
The competition is open to all law undergraduates, LLM, GDL and BPTC students.
1ST PRIZE - £1000 and your essay published in EG.
2ND PRIZE - £500
3RD PRIZE - £250
The finalists will each receive a hardback copy of Megarry & Wade: The Law of Real Property, which is kindly sponsored by Thomson Reuters.
Each finalist will also have the opportunity to meet online with a specialist property barrister for a one-to-one discussion about life at the Bar, getting to the Bar, property work and/or your future career.
The winner will be announced and the prizes presented by a High Court Judge and the Chair of the PBA at an event attended by the judiciary and members of the PBA in April 2024.
The 2025 Essay Question will be posted on the PBA Website on 4 November 2024. You will be able to find the essay question here
Essays must be submitted by 6PM ON 17 JANUARY 2025.
Entrants are invited to submit an entry of not more than 1,000 words. Entries should be in word format, text 12 point, 1.5 spaced and sent to
Full rules of entry are available here.
If you have any questions please contact our Administrator, Susan Monteiro at