Student Netiquette

Student Netiquette

by Steve Brant -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Student,

As you engage with the teaching, and non-teaching staff, as well as your peers through a number of elearning engagement tools and virtual classroom solutions, we encourage you to review this guidance which provides information on netiquette. Following the 'W.R.I.T.E.' principles helps ensure that your classroom experience is a welcoming and supportive one - maximising engagement, being accepting of differing opinions and ensuring that all learners have an opportunity to contribute. Here is a summary of the guidance:

Participant engagement/behaviour in virtual classrooms, online chat rooms or through polling tools can sometimes differ from that in person. It is important to be self-reflective in how you approach engaging with each other. Please think about how comments may be worded so that they are not misconstrued and do not cause upset. When critiquing others' comments, be careful with the language used, aim to be positive and re-read your response to ensure you're expressing yourself well before posting it.

Effective Communication
Speaking and writing in well-constructed sentences with appropriate grammar helps ensure that comments are interpreted as they are intended. Using free online tools such as Grammarly can aid you in ensuring your thoughts are put across clearly and provides another opportunity to re-read your response for its tone. Avoid using sarcasm or making jokes so that offense is not caused. If comments are open to misunderstanding, correct them right away so that it is well received.

Acting professionally by addressing your teachers by their proper title, and your peers by their chosen names and pronouns, helps foster a respectful environment. Avoid a casual tone, use of emojis/emoticons and always think of how you would like to be treated yourself. Do use the reaction icons to demonstrate that you have understood elements or to show agreement with what has been shared.

Virtual Classrooms
Your teacher may structure the teaching session by giving instruction as to when questions are to be raised and in what format. Please follow their direction to ensure that your contributions are timely and support the discussions which are taking place. Using tools such as the 'raise hand' feature or waiting until dedicated Q&A time is scheduled, rather than asking a question by unmuting your mic, can help the teaching flow undisrupted and ensure that all participants can contribute in an inclusive way.

Other tips for virtual classroom engagement include:

  • Always join with your microphone muted
  • Use video when possible
  • Limit visual distractions
  • Use the chat feature to ask questions and share resources
  • Pay attention to visibility when sharing your screen

Online Bullying
We do hope that you do not experience bullying or harassment during your time studying with us. Where you feel that any type of bullying or harassment is taking place, QM has processes to report it and to get support, underpinned by our Code of Student Discipline. This can either be done anonymously or by providing your contact details via this support webpage.