LawAdvisor x Queen Mary University

LawAdvisor x Queen Mary University

by Gia Linh Diep -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students, 

We hope your day is going well so far! 

We're getting in touch to introduce a new initiative that Law Advisor has recently launched. As part of their initiative, they would like to survey students' perceptions of the legal system. This initiative aims to better understand public opinion on the law, particularly focusing on the barriers preventing everyday people from accessing legal help. 

The Law Advisor team would love to connect with you and get your thoughts on this matter. 

If you would like to support the initiative and take part in this survey/interview, please get in touch with Sedona Lennox:

Before sharing anything, please make sure you read their consent forms. 

With best wishes, 

PG Law Internship.Â