Important: Queries and Where to Seek Advice

Important: Queries and Where to Seek Advice

by Gia Linh Diep -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

We trust this message finds you in good health.

Understanding the challenges associated with managing the Internship Agreement (Convention de Stage) process, we have implemented a dedicated inbox to assist students with internship-related queries. Going forward, please ensure you use the appropriate inbox for your inquiries:

1. Postgraduate Law Mentoring Team -

This inbox will be overseen by the mentoring team and is intended for questions related to the mentoring programme. Please direct any queries regarding the programme here, including the submission of mentoring agreements and logs for database management.

2. Postgraduate Law Internship Team -

This inbox is exclusively designated for internship programme matters. For inquiries regarding job postings, work experience opportunities, or requests for the Internship Agreement/Convention de Stage, kindly reach out to this inbox. General queries pertaining to the internship program should also be directed here.

3. Postgraduate Law Careers -

Monitored by Career Consultants, this inbox serves as a resource for seeking career advice and support services, including appointment scheduling, CV and cover letter review, and other career-related queries specific to Postgraduate Law Students.

We appreciate your attention to using the appropriate channels for your inquiries and trust that this streamlined approach will enhance efficiency and clarity for all involved.

Best regards,

Postgraduate Law Internship Team