Law Application Tracker

Law Application Tracker

by Gia Linh Diep -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students, 

Over the past week, we have developed a spreadsheet that tracks all the current training contracts, graduate schemes that are actively hiring as well as available vacation schemes for you to apply. 

Please access the law application tracker here: Application Tracker.xlsx

We believe this will be helpful for you to keep track of available opportunities that you can apply for. 

Within this spreadsheet, you can also download the progress tracker template that can help you track your application process. You can also access our preparation materials via this spreadsheet as well. 

This is a live, ongoing update that will be updated regularly by us. We will be updating this tracker daily. 

We will still be posting a bi-weekly newsletter but we will start using this to support you with keeping track of all training contracts, graduate schemes and vacation schemes that you can apply for. More preparation materials will be updated by us later on. 

We are creating and checking with the central team to ensure the preparation materials are best suitable for you. 

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with us by replying to this discussion thread. 

With best wishes.