REMINDER: Career Mentoring and Guide to Find Legal Work Experience in the UK (TODAY, 25th Oct - CCLS LG1)

REMINDER: Career Mentoring and Guide to Find Legal Work Experience in the UK (TODAY, 25th Oct - CCLS LG1)

by Gia Linh Diep -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students, 

This is to remind you that the Career Mentoring and Guide to Find Legal Work Experience in the UK workshop is taking place today (25th of October) from 12:30 pm - 13:30 pm, Ground floor Lecture theatre CCLS. 

If you find yourself unable to attend, please remove your name from the attendee list to accommodate those on the waiting list.

For those who are currently on the waiting list, we will organise another session later for you. 

 PG Law Careers Team