Career Mentoring and Guide to Find Legal Work Experience in the UK - Reminder

Career Mentoring and Guide to Find Legal Work Experience in the UK - Reminder

by Gia Linh Diep -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

I hope you are having a great start to the week!

This is a quick reminder that registration for the Career Mentoring and Guide to Find Legal Work Experience in the UK is still open.

The location for this workshop has now moved to CCLS Lecture Theatre G1 from 12.30 to 13.30 on Wednesday, the 25th of October 2023.

To book your place, please visit:

If you are unable to attend this session, please remove your name from the attendee list to accommodate those on the waiting list.

Postgraduate Law Mentoring Programme
Apply to the Postgraduate Law Mentoring Programme! An opportunity to connect with a legal practitioner to gain insights into your specialism and career development.

Submit your application here:

Application Support: If you are unsure about your application, please contact for application support or bring your application along to our Career Mentoring workshop on 25th October 2023