Central Program -Vacation Schemes and Training Contracts  (9 Oct), CV and cover letters workshop (11 Oct), CV Peer Support Session (13 Oct)

Central Program -Vacation Schemes and Training Contracts  (9 Oct), CV and cover letters workshop (11 Oct), CV Peer Support Session (13 Oct)

by Ariam Sibhat -
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Upcoming workshops;

Legal week -  Explore: Vacation Schemes and Training Contracts (TODAY 9 Oct 5pm)

 In this session you’ll get insider tips from graduate recruiters and current trainees and associates (who are also QMUL alumni), to help you understand what law firms are looking for in applications and what life is like as a trainee.  

 Monday 9th Oct 2023 (Today ) 5pm ,

Location: People's Palace PP2


Compete with Confidence: CV & Cover Letter Workshop 

Attend this workshop which will provide an insight into how you can improve your CV and Cover Letter to confidently compete for roles In the current job market using key tools and resources from Queen Mary Careers and Enterprise.

Wednesday 11th October 2023, 1pm - 2pm, 
Location: iQ East Court, Room 0.15 Training Seminar Room

Careers Groupwork: CV Peer Support Session (Online)

Attend this session where you will be supported in giving and receiving feedback on your CV with support from our Student Employability Advisers.  The session will cover:

  1. Basic components of well-constructed CVs
  2. Evaluation of example CVs from a recruiters perspective
  3. Peer review and feedback on your own CV
Friday 13th October 2023,  2pm-3pm,
*This session will take place online- a link will be shared prior to the event*


Queen Mary Careers and Enterprise