Pride Month

Pride Month

by Zara Mabey -
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Pride is for life, not just for a month.                                                                     

As Pride month is drawing to close this is a reminder that pride and the LGBTQIA+ community will always be here making history.

Stone Wall riots

On June 28th 1969, New York police officers from the ‘Public Morals Division’ raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York’s Greenwich Village. This was a common occurrence in the sixties, when it was legal for police to arrest and hospitalise gay people by force.

However, people in the Stonewall Inn fought back against this raid, with hundreds of people resisting arrest against the eight police officers. The policemen ended up barricading themselves inside the bar and the protesters took to the streets for five nights after that, led by Black trans woman Martha P. Johnson.

While this was not the first example of LGBT+ activism, it was perhaps the most impactful of the time, with widespread media coverage around the world. Every year since then, LGBT+ communities around the world have rallied each year to remember the Stonewall riots and their impact.

Pride in London

Pride is wonderful time to celebrate the history that has been made with in the LGBTQIA+ with a Pride parade including, floats, entertainment and rainbow flags all around the streets of London.

There is still a long way to go for acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community, there are 64 countries that still have laws that criminalise homosexuality. Even though homosexuality is legal in the UK there is still a lot of hate crime and discrimination against people in the LGBTQIA+ community but this shouldn’t shadow that and the queer community and allies have broken barriers to provide the visibility to others.

QMUL LGBT+ Society

QM LGBT Society provides a space for all members and allies of the LGBTQ community at Queen Mary.

As the LGBT+ Society at Queen Mary we strive to provide a space of fun, safety, and support for all members of the LGBTQ+ Community at QM. We hope to foster a better understanding of queer people at Queen Mary with our open discussion events and awareness stands, as well as connect LGBTQ+ students through our regular socials. We hope to see you there !! Check our Instagram for the latest updates and contact for any other enquiries! :)