Module Registration - Submit Your Choices

Module Registration - Submit Your Choices

by Spela Gruden -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students, 

The Module Registration task for 2023-24 is available for your submission on MySIS. 

While the SLLF Module Directory is still being finalised due to a few small changes that are awaiting confirmation, we are now accepting your module submissions on MySIS, so please go ahead and submit your choices using the QMUL Module Directory as a guide. 

Please read the module registration guidance section, your programme regulations and the MySIS submission guide on QMPlus before selecting your modules. 

When you use the Module Registration task, you will notice that you can choose modules from a few different module lists (called pots). Each list will specify how many credits you can take from it. Clicking on the module title will bring up further information about the module. 

The bottom pot for most programmes will usually include a multitude of modules from across the University, not just from SLLF. Bear in mind that you are only allowed to select modules from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. If you do wish to take a module from outside of SLLF, please refer to the ‘How To Take Modules From Other Schools’ topic on QMPlus and provide plenty of SLLF modules as your reserve choices. 

You have until 12pm (Midday) on Tuesday 11th April 2023 to submit your choices. All submissions received by this deadline will be treated equally and module registration is not first-come, first-served. 

If you have any trouble submitting your module selections on MySIS please email with details and screenshots of the issue you are experiencing. 

Best wishes, 

The SLLF Programme Admin Team 
School of Languages, Linguistics and Film 
Queen Mary University of London 
Mile End Road 
E1 4NS 
General Email: 